
  • 网络Power Transmission
  1. V以下输变电工程施工,电力工程预决算,电力器材销售设备维修等。火力发电厂修配设备及建筑面积配置标准

    KV power transmission project following the construction , electrical engineering fields , power equipment sales equipment maintenance . Standard for furnishing maintenance device and architectural area of fossil fuel power plant

  2. 这些非线性器件如UPS、商业照明、荧光灯等都会使得输变电网络的谐波污染越来越严重。

    Harmonic pollution of power transmission and transforming system which is generated by UPS , commercial lighting , fluorescent lamp is becoming more and more serious .

  3. 基于GIS的超高压输变电信息系统的建立

    Establishing super high voltage transmission and transformation information system using GIS

  4. 输入输出装配-程序V以下输变电工程施工,电力工程预决算,电力器材销售设备维修等。

    Input / output pack KV power transmission project following the construction , electrical engineering fields , power equipment sales equipment maintenance .

  5. 通过建立输变电设施管理信息系统(MIS),真实地反映出油田电网输变电设施的运行管理现状,为网络可靠性计算提供可靠的计算依据;

    It reflects the true operating status of the electric equipment , and gives evidence for power reliability calculation .

  6. 在特高压输变电系统中,GIS设备的安全可靠性是特高压电网稳定运行的基础。

    In the ultra-high voltage power grid , the reliability and security of the GIS equipment is the basic of the power transmission system running .

  7. 关键链项目管理技术在YB输变电工程进度管理中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of the Critical Chain Project Management in the Scheduling Management of YB Project

  8. 论文基于无缝GIS原理,针对湖南省输变电GIS中海量地图数据处理技术进行研究与实践。

    According to the seamless principle of GIS , this thises is based on the project of the Transmit Electricity of GIS Map Data Processing Technique in Hunan Province .

  9. 本文以乐山五通地区输变电工程为研究对象,根据MBA所学知识对其进行投资策划分析。

    The auther take aim the research target of Wutong substation , and analyze the investment by the knowledge which was taught in MBA .

  10. 研发超高压输变电线路用的大容量CMD型分接开关

    Development of Large Power CMD Tap-Changer for UHV Transmission Line

  11. 基于MIS的输变电设备智能巡检和修试ABC规范化文档管理系统的开发及应用

    Development and application of ABC standardized document management system of intelligent inspection tour , repair and test for the transmission and transformation electricity equipment based on MIS

  12. 基于LCM需求的500kV输变电工程竣工决算分析

    500 kV power transmission and distribution project completion accounting analysis based on LCM demand

  13. 500kV输变电工程设计中雷电过电压问题

    The Research on Lightning Overvoltages of 500 kV Transmission Engineering Design

  14. 华东电网500kV输变电系统编码研究

    Coding of East China Power Grid 500 kV transmission and transforming system

  15. 500kV韶关输变电工程调相调压计算分析

    Phase and Voltage Adjustment Calculation and Analysis for 500 kV Shaoguan Transmission Project

  16. 红外测温技术在500kV变电运行中的应用输变电设备带电检测技术在华北电网的应用

    Application of On-line Detection on Transmission and Distribution Equipment in North China Grid

  17. 谈谈我国500kV输变电设备的技术进步与发展

    Shallow Analysis of Technological Advance and Development of 500 kV Transmission and Transformation Equipment

  18. 110kV输变电工程电磁辐射的产生及防治

    Formation and Prevention of Electromagnetic Radiation in 110 kV Transmission Line Engineering

  19. 110kV输变电工程无线电干扰对环境的影响

    Radio Interference Effect on Environment for 110 kV Power Distribution and Transmission Engineering

  20. 基于全寿命周期管理理论的青岛错埠岭220kV输变电项目管理研究

    The Study of Qingdao Cuo-bu-ling Transformation Equipment Item Management Based on Life Cycle Cost Theory

  21. 2005年全国220kV及以上电压等级输变电设施可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis for Nation-Wide 220 kV and the Above Power Transmission and Transformation Facilities in 2005

  22. 110kV输变电工程电磁辐射污染的影响分析及防治对策

    Influence Analysis and Countermeasures on Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution in 110 kV Transmission and Transformation Projects

  23. 华东/江苏500kV输变电工程利用世行贷款情况

    Construction of 500 kV T & S Project Using the World Bank Loan in East China / Jiangsu

  24. Scott变压器是国内外电气化铁路常用于AT供电方式下的牵引变压器,然而新型牵引变压器的研究一直是国内输变电技术领域的一个热点。

    One kind of the traction transformer is Scott balanced transformer in the overseas and domestic . The study of new traction transformer is the hot topic in the domestic power transmission technology area .

  25. 220kV及以下等级输变电新设备启动原则的探讨

    Study of the Startup Principle of New Transmission and Transformation Equipment at the Grade of 220 kV and Lower

  26. 国网典型设计220kV输变电工程的工频电场和无线电干扰分析

    Analysis of Power Frequency Electric Field and Radio Frequency Interference for State Grid Typical Design Transmission and Distribution Projects

  27. 最后,文章研究了利用蒙特卡洛模拟方法进行工程投标报价风险费率预测的步骤,并引入CrystalBall软件,针对输变电工程建立投标报价风险评估模型,对工程投标报价风险进行模拟,为工程决策提供依据。

    At last , this paper studied the forecasting steps of risk cost in project bidding quotation using monte carlo simulation . Then , the software Crystal Ball is introduced into this paper to build an evaluation model of transformation projects and simulate for project decision-making .

  28. 动态提高输电线路容量系统硬件平台的设计与实现研发超高压输变电线路用的大容量CMD型分接开关

    Design and Realization of Data Sampling and Processing System for Dynamic Line Rating System ; Development of Large Power CMD Tap-Changer for UHV Transmission Line

  29. 亚洲首个500kV可控串补(TCSC)工程(Ⅱ)&天广交流输变电平果变电站可控串补控制与保护系统设计方案

    Design of the First Asian 500 kV Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation Scheme ( TCSC ) of Tian Guang at Pingguo Substation : Control and Protection System

  30. 220kV输变电工程项目可行性研究&电力系统专业设计内容和规范的研究

    Feasibility Research of 220 kV Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering Project & Study on Contents and Norms Concerning Electric Power System