
  • 网络Conveyor;Transporter;Feeder;carrier;transmitter
  1. 注塑机螺旋输送器摩擦磨损试验机研制

    Development of the abrasive wear tester of the screw transporter in an injection moulding machine

  2. 扫描仪的胶片输送器是否平整?

    The film flatness capabilities of the scanner 's carrier ;

  3. Solidworks在碾米机螺旋输送器设计中的应用

    Application of SolidWorks for designing screw conveyor in rice whitener

  4. 螺旋输送器在PTA装置中的设计和应用

    Design and application of screw conveyor in PTA plant

  5. 基于实体水平式螺旋输送器在PTA工程中的实际应用,对其进行了全面的论述。

    The article gives the practical application about the parallel screw conveyor in PTA project .

  6. 重力运输机,辊子输送器水平切向喷射式MOCVD反应器输运过程的数值模拟研究

    Gravity roller carrier Numerical Study on Transport Phenomena in a MOCVD Reactor with Tangential Inlets

  7. 利用PLC发送脉冲,驱动步进电机,带动螺旋输送器的转动,使粉体物料落入电子天平的托盘中;

    The system sends out the pulse through PLC , drives the step-motor and making the screw-sending device rotary , and pushes the powder in the tray of the electronic scale .

  8. 双螺旋输送器与喷涌的有效预防和处理

    Double Screw Conveyor Adopted for Prevention and Treatment of Water Gushing

  9. 卧式螺旋离心机的转鼓与螺旋输送器的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Drum and Conveyor of Horizontal Screw Centrifuge

  10. 螺旋离心机输送器参数对其强度与变形的影响研究

    Influence of parameters of screw conveyor on its strength and deformation

  11. 更换了螺旋输送器、鼓风机及空气过滤器;

    Spiral conveyor , air blower and air filter were replaced .

  12. 螺旋输送器叶片冷轧工艺试验研究

    Cold Rolling Technological Test and Research for Spiral Conveyer Blade

  13. 另一方面,崭新的加工输送器及食品检测系统,确保食品生产和加工过程更加卫生可靠,保证食品的安全性。

    The latest conveying systems and contaminant detectors guarantee food processing hygiene .

  14. 吸管螺旋桨式混合器变螺距变直径螺旋输送器主要参数的选择

    Selection of Principal parameters for Auger Conveyors with Changeable Screw Pitch and Diameter

  15. 螺旋输送器轴封泄漏治理

    Improvement of Bearing Sealing Leakage of Screw Conveyer

  16. 螺旋输送器通过密封件连接罐体。

    The spiral conveyor is connected with the tank body by a sealing piece .

  17. 螺旋输送器的原理与设计

    Theories and Calculation of the Auger-Type Conveyer

  18. 非磁性整体翼片式稳定器分组螺旋叶片式输送器

    Non-magnetic integral blade stabilizer sectional flight conveyer

  19. 双组定片平衡电容器分组螺旋叶片式输送器

    Double stator balancing capacitor sectional flight conveyer

  20. 使用一套输送器控制钻头的升降。

    A suit of conveyer utility was used to operate the bit ascent and descent .

  21. 一次性使用胆道内支架输送器的研制

    Development of Non-reusable Conveyer-instrument for Biliary Stent

  22. 常规;往复式;往复隔膜式;滚压叶轮式;旋转式;螺旋式分组螺旋叶片式输送器

    General ; Reciprocating ; Reciprocating Diaphragm ; Roller Vane ; Rotary ; Screw sectional flight conveyer

  23. 分组螺旋叶片式输送器穿孔目标程序卡片组

    Sectional flight conveyer punch object deck

  24. 双电路吊钩带输送器

    Double circuit hoisting hook belt conveyor

  25. 收割机输送器叶片的成形工艺

    Cold-rolling technology of spiral conveyer blades

  26. 分层卸粮扫仓螺旋输送器轮廓曲线方程

    The envelope curve equation of sweep auger for discharge grain divided in layer from a cylinder bin

  27. 割断后的禾穗由一个锥度螺旋输送器输入脱粒滚筒脱粒。

    Cut rice ears are put into the threshing roller by a taper screw conveyor for threshing .

  28. 螺旋输送器也要求一个马达或其他驱动供给螺丝的行动动力。

    Screw conveyors also require a motor or other drive to power the motion of the screw .

  29. 正常工况下,螺旋输送器的最大应力强度和最大径向位移都随着半锥角和导程的增加而增大。

    The stress and radial displacement will increase with the increment of half cone angle and lead .

  30. (割晒机的)后送式输送器侧置割台式联合收割机

    Rear-delivery apron side-plat-form combine