
  • 网络sediment transport capacity
  1. 黄河下游河道萎缩过程中输沙能力的调整

    Adjustment of sediment transport capacity during channel shrinkage for lower Yellow River

  2. 柳河流域输沙能力探讨

    Discussion on sediment transport capacity in Liuhe river basin

  3. 还分析了床沙非均匀性对输沙能力的影响,结果在相同的D50条件下,输沙能力随σg的增大而增大。

    The analysis of the effect of sediment nonuniformity on the transport of sediment mixtures indicates that sediment transport capacity increases as σ g increases while D 50 keeps the same .

  4. 对黄河下游河道输沙能力的新认识

    New Knowledge on Sediment Transport Capacity of the Lower Yellow River

  5. 挟沙水流的运动机理和输沙能力

    Movement Mechanism and Transport Competency of Sediment - laden Flow

  6. 第一造床流量及输沙能力的理论分析&黄河调水调沙的根据、效益与巨大潜力之三

    Theoretical Analysis on First Bed-Forming Discharge and Sediment Transporting Capacity

  7. 黄河口海洋动力输沙能力分析

    Analysis on sediment transporting capacity by sea power in the Yellow River Estuary

  8. 细沟侵蚀动力过程输沙能力试验研究

    Laboratory study on sediment transport capacity in the dynamic process of rill erosion

  9. 黄土区细沟侵蚀过程中输沙能力确定的解析法

    An Analytic Method for Determining Transport Capacity of Concentrated Flow in Eroding Rills

  10. 黄河下游河道高含沙水流的输沙能力分析

    Analysis on Sediment Transportation Capacity of High-sediment Flow in Channel of Lower Yellow River

  11. 射流清淤对提高潼关河段输沙能力的作用

    Effect of Sedimentation Cleaning by Jet Flow on Increasing Sediment Transporting Capacity in Tongguan Section

  12. 多沙河流输沙能力的变化,突出地表现为河槽横断面的调整。

    Application of the sediment transport capacity models to unsteady sediment transport from overland flow ;

  13. 提高黄河下游输沙能力的复式河道整治方案探讨

    Discussion on the multi-river-training to increase the capacity of sediment transport in the Lower Yellow River

  14. 在较长一段时间内,挖槽疏浚增加了河道输沙能力,降低了洪水位。

    For a long period , sediment-carrying capacity remains increased , and the water level remains lowed .

  15. 黄河下游河道断面宽深比对输沙能力的影响

    Effect of ratio of width to depth of river channel on sediment transport capacity in Lower Yellow River

  16. 多沙河流横断面调整及其对排洪和输沙能力的影响

    The Adjustment of Cross Sections in Over-loaded Rivers and its Influence on the Flood Delivery and Sediment Transporting Capacity

  17. 坡面流输沙能力与土壤可蚀性参数对细沟土壤侵蚀过程影响的有限元计算模型研究

    Finite element model for calculating effects of slope flow sediment transport capacity and soil erodibility on rill erosion processes

  18. 当宋沙量小于输沙能力时,河床发生冲刷;

    When the quantity of incoming sand is larger than the capacity of sand transportation , the channel degradation occurs ;

  19. 相同水流条件下,高含沙水流比低含沙水流具有更大的输沙能力。

    Under the same condition of water flow , high-sediment flow has larger sediment transportation capacity than low-sediment flow does .

  20. 黄河下游输沙能力的表达,即不同河型的输沙能力公式。

    The sediment transporting capacity of the lower Yellow River is expressed by a formula of sediment transporting capacity of different river types .

  21. 窄深河槽具有很强的泄洪能力与输沙能力,是主槽整治追求的目标。

    The narrow and deep channel possesses great flood discharge and silt carrying capacities , which is the target of the main channel training .

  22. 侵蚀产沙强烈而粗泥沙集中,输沙能力强,洪水含沙量高,是黄河粗泥沙的集中来源地;

    The main reasons of concentrated coarse sediment of the river is severe erosive sediment yield , strong sediment transporting capacity and high sediment concentration ;

  23. 依据试验成果,本研究并建议一经验公式,以供估算水库三角洲河道之输沙能力。

    This study suggests an empirical formula , based on the experimental channel , to estimate the sediment transport capacity in a reservoir delta channel .

  24. 梯形渠道以其过流能力大、输沙能力强、施工简便的特点,已经在灌区得到了广泛应用。

    Trapezoidal channel with its over-current capacity , sediment transport capacity , construction of simple and commonly used features has been widely used in irrigation .

  25. 河流动力学研究成果表明,河床纵向稳定性取决于河道纵向水流输沙能力,而纵向水流输沙能力与纵向水流参数成比例。

    The research findings of river dynamics show that the longitudinal river-bed stability has a relation with the longitudinal sediment transport capacity which is proportional to the longitudinal flow parameter .

  26. 从公式可以看出,输沙能力的大小,除与泥沙粗细有关外,主要决定于坡降和河相系数。

    It shows that the sediment transporting capacity not only is related to the particle size of sediment , but also mainly depends on the slope and coefficient of fluvial facies .

  27. 渭河下游经过自动调整,河道的泄流输沙能力有较大的恢复,河道形态接近建库前水平;

    The sediment carrying capacity of the river has been restored essentially through natural regulation of the riverbed , and present shape of the river is approaching to one before construction of Sanmenxia reservoir ;

  28. 依据河床演变学原理,根据定位观测资料分析,结合河工动床模型试验,探讨了黄河下游河道萎缩过程中的输沙能力调整关系。

    According to the principle of riverbed evolution , with the observed data at certain stations , the method of movable bed model test was used to analyze the adjustment of water transport capacity during the channel shrinkage .

  29. 河床形态的变化,及其所带来的水流结构、河床阻力及输沙能力调整等问题均是河流动力学学科的基础研究内容。

    The variety of river bed form and the problems such as flow structure , channel resistance and sediment transport capacity adjustment which is caused by its shape changes are the contents of fundamental research in the river dynamics field .

  30. 双岸整治方案是基于窄深河槽洪水期具有很强的输沙潜力与泄洪能力。

    Banks training is conducted based on narrow and deep channel in flood season that has strong potentiality of sediment transport and flood carrying capacity .