
  • Gas transmission pressure;【土木】distribution pressure
  1. 综述了联盟管道的概况,介绍了其在天然气组分、输气压力、压缩机站功率配置、管材、防腐、压缩机、施工、投产和运行等方面的技术特点。

    The paper summarizes the technological features of Alliance pipeline in the transfer pressure , power determination of compressor station , pipe material , corrosion control , compressor as well as pipeline construction , commissioning and operation .

  2. 冰阻状态下输气管线压力变化规律的研究

    Studies on Pressure of Ice Blocked Gas Pipeline

  3. 为了回收天然气管网蕴含的巨大压力能,且同时满足城市燃气调峰的需要,提出了回收输气管网压力能的天然气液化调峰方案。

    In order to recover the pressure energy generated in the natural gas pipeline networks and to meet the demand of urban natural gas peak-shaving , LNG peak-shaving proposal was advanced to recover pressure energy of gas transmission pipeline networks .

  4. 为实现正常实施柱塞气举,气液比、地层压力和产气量必须高于最低值,而输气管线压力和井深必须低于最高值;

    In order to make plunger gas lift conduct normally , gas water ratio , formation pressure and gas production rate must be bigger than the minima and the pressure of gas transmission line and well depth must be less than the maxima .

  5. 南昌市城区天然气输气主干管压力级制比选

    Comparison and Selection of Pressure-tier System of Nanchang Urban Main Gas Pipelines

  6. 提升低压输气管道操作压力的方法

    Method to Increase Operating Pressure for Low-pressure Gas Pipeline

  7. 2006年,西欧消费者注意到,俄罗斯在进入冬季之后和乌克兰在付款问题上发生了类似的争吵,然后俄罗斯切断了对乌克兰的天然气供应,输气管道的压力出现下降。

    In2006 , Western European consumers noticed a drop in gas pipeline pressure after Russia cut supplies to Ukraine in a similar mid-winter payment dispute .

  8. 可在井下移动,节约大量输气管道,减少压力损失,最大限度降低能耗。

    It can move under well , saving gas pipe , reducing the loss of pressure , decreasing energy consumption as possible .