
  • 网络elections;election system
  1. 宋选举制的若干问题探索(续)

    The Exploration of Some Issues of the Election System of the Song Dynasty ( Continued )

  2. 这种职位禅让的做法乃是氏族公社选举制的传统,史称“禅让时代”。

    Abdication is the traditional election system in the time of tribal commune , historically called the Age of Abdication .

  3. 均与球一样实行选举制。

    Like with the ball to effect the electoral system .

  4. 与它相邻的奥克兰州、伯克利和圣莱安德罗也在最近采用了该选举制。

    Three of its neighbours Oakland , Berkeley and San Leandro have also recently adopted it .

  5. 这种情况将有所改变。三月七日下议院以113票的高票通过表决,赞成上议院实行完全选举制。

    This may now change , after the House of Commons voted by a majority of113 on March7th for a fully elected House of Lords .

  6. 令后世不可思议的王权罢免现象,也反映了商王继统法的选举制性质。商代继统法是原始公社选举制发展到周代嫡庶制的过渡阶段,前期承前,后期启后。

    The throne succession rule of Shang Dynasty is the transition between the election system of primitive commune and close descent system of Zhou Dynasty .

  7. 竞争性选拔结合了推荐制、选举制和考试制,在选拔中引入竞争机制,使选拔更加公开、竞争、择优。

    Competitive selection combines recommend system , election system and examination , introduces competition mechanism to the selection , makes the selection more open , competitive , and effective .

  8. 选择反对后,还有七个选项,其中包括上议院全体成员任命制、选举制和几个组合制度。

    Then , after that had been rejected , seven options were presented , ranging from appointing all the members of the upper house to electing them all , with various blends in between .

  9. 本着对权力进行制衡的精神,在建立行政长官制度的过程中,罗马确立了最高长官的选举制、短任期制和同僚协议制,从而奠定了共和国官制的三大原则基础。

    Rome established the election system of the highest officer , the short-term office tenure and the coordination of fellow officials , which laid the foundation of the three principles of the republican government .

  10. 选举制(辅之以委任制)可以通过对各种选民意志的反映体现社会公正,考试制(辅之以聘任制)可以通过机会大体均等和竞争保证公务员的素质。

    Electoral system ( associated with appointment ) can embody the social equity through reflecting the voter 's willingness while the test system ( associated with employment ) can guarantee the quality of the civil servants through equal opportunity and competition .

  11. 世界各国有不同的法官产生机制,大多数国家采用机构任命(行政、议会、或专门成立的机构),美国州法院法官的选举制则代表另一种法官产生机制,即社会任命。

    There is various mechanism of judicial selection in the world . Most countries adopt the mechanism of appointment by institutions . However , the selection of judges in the States of American presents another mechanism in the world , that is , appointment by society .

  12. 以选举的方式补满缺额选举采用名单投票制,并以最大余额方法计算选举结果。

    Fill ( up ) a vacancy by election The List Voting System operating under the Largest Remainder formula , which is a form of proportional representation voting , is adopted .