
  1. 它是社会道德原则和规范在消费领域的具体体现。

    It is a social morals principle with the concrete of norm at consumption realm now .

  2. 从系统理论出发,分析了利益耦合对道德原则和规范产生的重大影响。

    The great effect of benefit coupling on moral principle and standard was discussed with the viewpoints of systems theory .

  3. 荣辱观是对荣辱问题的根本看法、观点和态度,它表达和体现了一定社会的思想道德原则和规范。

    The socialist concept of honor and disgrace is the basic viewpoint and attitude toward honor and disgrace , which expresses the moral principle and norm of certain society .

  4. 以德治国是以社会主义的政治原则和规范、思想原则和规范、道德原则和规范去管理国家事务、经济文化事业和社会事务。

    Administering a country by morality is to administer the affairs of the state , economy , culture and society by moral principles and standards of socialistic politics , socialistic ideology and socialistic morals .

  5. 并通过分析一系列的道德原则和规范,如集体主义原则、效率优先、兼顾公平的原则、互利原则等对以上观点进行了论证。

    These viewpoints are proved through the analysis of some moral principles and standard , such as the principle of collectivism , the principle of efficiency prior to being fair and the principle of mutual benefit .

  6. 消费观的形成既是民族文化长期积淀的结果,又是社会现实的直接反映,它是调整人们消费关系的价值观念、道德原则和规范的总和。

    It is the result of the national cultural long-term accumulation , and also is the direct reflection of social reality . It is the sum of the adjustment of people consumption values , moral principles and norms .

  7. 消费伦理是社会道德原则和规范在消费领域的具体体现,它以特殊的伦理精神,通过价值的方式把握和使用着消费资料,调节和规范人们的消费行为。

    The consumption ethics is the social morals principle and the standard manifests in the consumption domain , through the special practice spirit , it grasps and uses the subsistence means by the value way , to adjust and standard people 's expense behavior .

  8. 指出为了符合利益耦合机制的要求,道德原则和规范应该维护系统整体利益的最优化、维持利益系统的动态平衡和促进利益系统的差异协同。

    It is pointed out that to meet with the requirement of benefit coupling , moral principle and standard should be used to maintain the optimization of systematic benefit as well as the dynamic balance of beneficial system and to promote the coordination of discrepancy .

  9. 持戒是达到信仰的主要手段。此时,佛教戒律便转化为道德原则与伦理规范,在现实生活中发挥其社会控制功能。

    From the above analysis , the conclusion can be reached that Buddhist disciplines do have the function as a social control .

  10. 它的体系构成主要包括科技伦理的基本问题、道德原则、道德规范、道德修养、道德境界等几个方面。

    The main substance includes the basic issue of ethical ideology of science and technology , the moral principle , the moral norm , the moral accomplishment and the moral realm .

  11. 在这种背景下,以法务会计的概念为研究起点,系统地阐述了法务会计师服务的范围,以及应具备的职业道德原则和技术规范。

    Below that , this article based on its principle has elaborated the range of service , the principle of professional ethics and technology standards that the forensic accountant must have .

  12. 明确政府制度行为的道德原则;建立规范政府制度行为的道德保障系统,以便从外在着手制约政府制度行为中的不道德现象。

    Defining the ethical principles of government 's institutional behavior , and setting up and standardizing moral ensure system of government 's institutional behavior are helpful in restricting immoral phenomenon in government 's institutional behavior from external .

  13. 伦理道德作为原则、规范、禁令,作为信仰、信念、情感、意志,作为价值,本质上并不取决于人们的主观愿望,而取决于实际生活的需要。

    Ethics is embodied by a set of values , including principle , standard , ban , belief , faith , sentiment and will . In essence , ethics is not determined by subjectivity but demands in real life .

  14. 道德原则与道德规范的关系、团队精神的多层次性、东西方文化相互交融的背景、社会主义高校的办学使命决定了在社会主义条件下培养大学生的团队精神必须坚持集体主义。

    Insisting on the collectivism is demanded by the relations between moral principle and moral norm , the level of team spirit , and the background of the blending of the east culture and the west culture and the mission of college .

  15. 论旅游资源开发道德的基本原则和规范

    On a Main moral Principle and the practical norms within the Tourist Resources Exploiting

  16. 旅游伦理是调节人们在旅游活动中形成的人与自然、人与社会、人与人的伦理关系的道德观念、原则和规范的总和。

    Travel ethics is the integration of the ideas , principles and criteria established between man and nature , people and society and human interactions in travel activities .

  17. 人们的需要和利益问题是整个人类道德的基础,道德原则及其规范的本质是要妥善地处理人际之间的利益关系。因此,社会功利性原则是人们进行道德判断的基本原则。

    Abstract The principle of social utility is the basic principle for moral judgment , for the essence of moral principle and its standard is the harmoniously established relation of people 's interests .

  18. 本论文从天是人间道德的价值本原,至高的道德原则,道德规范合法性的依据和德主刑辅的形上解释四个方面阐释了其理论的伦理内涵。

    This paper explains the following four aspects of ethical connotations . The Heaven are primitive human moral values , the highest ethical principle , the basis for the legitimacy of ethics and the interpretation of metaphysics about advocating the rule of virtue principles .

  19. 经济动机取得正当地位之后,经济行为要不要用法律,尤其是道德来加以规范,用什么样的道德原则加以规范,是经济伦理的另一个主要课题。

    Another target of economic ethics is that , after economic motivation has got a just status , whether or not economic behavior should be bound by law and morality .

  20. 参照价值规定性,道德价值就是伦理行为事实对社会以道德原则和规范为形式所提出的道德要求的满足。

    Referring to the basic regulation of " value ", the essence of moral value is " human 's ethical behavior accords with the social moral principles and criterions " .

  21. 现代伦理应当是多层次的理论与实践系统,其中包括道德哲学层次的思考;生命伦理中的道德原则和规范的构建;

    Modern ethics is a systematic gradation of theory and practice .

  22. 道德的法律化是人类的道德思想、道德原则、道德规范铸为法律的过程,它在一定程度上直接决定着法律的本质,从而为法治的构成建构了基石;

    Morality lawed is the process of human beings ' moral ideology , moral principle , moral standardization turned as law , to some extent , it can decide directly the essence of law , and can become the foundation of law ruling .

  23. 职业道德,就是人们在职业生活中必须遵循的道德原则和道德规范。

    Work ethics refers to a system of moral disciplines and standards for people to follow in their professional life .

  24. 道德法律化是依据客观实际需要,把一定的道德原则或道德规范上升为法律并最终实现法律化的道德由他律转向自律的过程。

    Moral legalization is based on the objective reality , up to certain moral principles or ethics laws and , ultimately , the law of the moral law he turned to the process of self-discipline .

  25. 应用伦理学是一门以现实社会生活中的道德难题为研究对象的伦理学的分支学科,它以道德理论和原则规范应用于实际生活的具体规律为研究主题。

    Applied ethics , a branch of ethics , aims at studying difficult moral problems in real social life .

  26. 因此,我们必须加大新闻职业道德研究力度,切实加强新闻职业道德教育,恪守新闻职业道德原则和规范,树立新闻媒体的良好形象。

    Thereby , we should strengthen the education on work ethics for journalism , scrupulously abide by the principles and criterion of work ethics for journalism , and build up a fairly good image of news propaganda .

  27. 人们在讨论道德教化问题时,一般都认为只要制定一套合理的道德原则和道德规范,教育人们遵守执行,就能提高人们的道德水平。

    Under discussion of the problem of ethical culture , it is generally acknowledged that if a set of reasonable maral principles and moral values to teach people to observe them , then the standard of people ′ s moral could be advanced .

  28. 大众传播伦理即大众传播所应具有的道德性。大众传播伦理支撑体系是大众传播所应遵循的道德原则和道德规范的综合系统。

    That the mass media of mass communication ethics to be a moral nature , the mass media ethics support system is to be followed by the integrated system of moral principles and ethics .

  29. 教师道德评价,亦称教师伦理评价,是教育道德活动的一种重要形式,是使教育道德原则和规范得以贯彻并转化为教师道德行为的保证。

    Moral evaluation of teachers , also known as ethical evaluation of teachers , is an important form of moral activity . It enables education to implement the ethical principles and norms and transformed to ensure ethical behavior for teachers .

  30. 道德实践是主体道德观念形成、丰富和发展的一个重要环节,是一定的社会道德原则、道德规范内化为个人道德品质的必要途径,在道德建设中具有不可替代的重要作用。

    The morals practice is an important link in forming , enriching and developing of the dominant moral ideas , is an essential way of certain social moral principle and the morals rule internalizing for the individual moral character , and has the irreplaceable role in the moral reconstruction .