
  • 网络moral hazard factor;moral risk
  1. 生态治理中政府部门代理人道德风险因素分析

    Analyses on Agent 's Moral Hazard Factors about Management of Eco-environment

  2. 本文以风险管理为理论基础,从道德风险因素对风险可保性的影响入手,对保险市场中道德风险的形成原因、产生条件和表现形式进行了深入分析。

    Based on the theory of risk management , starting with the influence of moral hazard on the insurability of risk , the paper studies deeply in the reasons , preconditions and the types of moral hazard .

  3. 在成本的计算中,采用企业的实际数据通过时间加权平均数来计算延保的预期成本,在此成本上,结合了保险研究的理论依据,加成了道德风险因素。

    In the calculation of the cost , using the real data of the enterprise through the weighted average time to calculate the expected cost of extended warranty costs on this , combined with the theory of insurance research , plus the moral hazard factors .

  4. 第五章是巨灾债券定价模型及扩展,分析比较了巨灾债券各种定价模型之间的异同,并在传统的蒙特卡罗模拟定价方法中加入了道德风险因素,产生了一种新的巨灾债券定价方法。

    Chapter five is about the pricing model and extension of catastrophe bond , which mainly made a comparison of pricing models among different catastrophe bonds , adding the role of morel into the traditional Monte Carlo method , thus brought forward a new kind of pricing model .

  5. 个别风险的加大及MBO实施过程中伴随的各种道德风险等因素是引起MBO整体风险加大的主要原因。

    The increase of individual risk , various unethical behavior and so on result largely in the increase overall risks of MBO .

  6. 介绍了委托-代理机制的一般概念;分析了委托-代理机制的道德风险影响因素;

    The general concept of entrustment agency mechanism was introduced and the morals risk effect factors of entrustment agency mechanism were analyzed .

  7. 通过对激励机制设计原则和监理道德风险影响因素的分析,设计了具体的激励方式。

    Through analyzing the principle of designing incentive mechanism and the factors which affect the moral hazards of the construction supervision , it gives specific incentive methods .

  8. 国外关于环境责任保险的承保范围、险种设计、承保模式以及影响环境责任保险的逆向选择、道德风险等因素的研究,值得我国保险业界和政府管理部门借鉴。

    The abroad study of environment liability insurance coverage , the design of insurance kind , the mode of underwriting and the factors just like the adverse selection and the moral hazard which affects environment liability insurance , deserving insurance commerce and the government of china to draw lessons from .

  9. 这个结果一方面证实了患者因为健康刚性需求而导致药品和检查的选择的被动性;另一方面说明医生具有信息优势,有出现道德风险的动机因素。

    This result on the one hand confirmed that the patient causes the drugs and the inspection choice passivity because of the healthy rigid demand ; On the other hand explained doctor has the information superiority , has appears the moral risk to induce the factor .

  10. 摘要分析了风险投资中的道德风险及其后果,基于现代契约理论,分析了道德风险产生的相关因素。

    The moral hazard in the venture capital contract with its results and the related factors resulted in the moral hazard are analyzed on the base of the modem contract theory .

  11. 从道德风险的外生源和内生源两个视角探讨影响企业道德风险的因素并加以实证分析,这里体现出本文对企业道德风险的全面系统考察。

    Exploring factors which affecting business moral risk from two perspectives , namely external source and interior source , then make a positive proofing . It manifests the systematic inspection of this research .