
  1. “这两个临床试验证明,将亮光通过耳道照进人脑的感光区域可以有效地预防和治疗季节性情绪失调。”

    These two clinical trials demonstrate that channeling bright light via ear canal into brain 's photosensitiveareas effectively prevents and treats seasonal affective disorder . '

  2. 奥卢迪肯尼斯研究所的主任医师蒂莫塔卡拉说:“这两个试验表明,通过耳道照进大脑的亮光是未来治疗季节性情绪失调的一个重要方法。”

    Timo Takala , chief physician at the Oulu Deaconess Institute said : ' These two trials show that bright light channeled into the brain via ear canal is an important future method to treat seasonal affective disorder . '

  3. 舱盖打开了,一道阳光照了进来。

    The hatch was opened , admitting a shaft of daylight .

  4. 诺拉的六道彩虹照是非常罕见的。

    Nola 's six are a sight of a lifetime though .

  5. 有一道强光照进了庭院。

    A powerful light flooded into the grounds .

  6. 王导演笑道:照你说的那么大小做,观众根本看不见啦。

    Director Wang laughed : as you say , so the size , the audience can not see it .

  7. 一道光线照在他的脸上:两颊苍白,一半为黑胡须所盖,眉头低耸,眼睛深陷而且很特别。

    A ray fell on his features ; the cheeks were sallow , and half covered with black whiskers ; the brows lowering , the eyes deep set and singular .

  8. 这个木工活的末道漆光亮照人。

    The woodwork had an attractive gloss finish .

  9. 高高升起的社会主义的红日,将射出万道金光,照遍整个幸福的世界。

    The Golden Light that will be diffused throughout all the happy world from the rays of the risen sun of Socialism .

  10. 给这些新建的漂亮的单车道拍了些照

    of these fabulous new bike lanes that they have installed .

  11. 一道强烈的探照灯光刺进黑夜,直射天空。

    A powerful searchlight cut into the night , bouncing into the sky .

  12. 有一道激光束,照到镜子上。

    And then we have a laser beam which we shine onto the mirror .

  13. 不一会儿,远处划过一道亮光,隐约照在树叶上,只一闪便消失了。

    Presently there came a quivering glow that vaguely revealed the foliage for a moment and then vanished .

  14. 在她身后的房间里,一道闪电把窗子照得好象一条正在舞动的白床单,婴儿开始哇哇大哭。

    Behind her in the room lightning lit the window like a white sheet waving and the baby cried .

  15. 这一装置可以通过耳道直接将光线照入大脑,以帮助治疗抑郁症、情绪波动甚至如因时差而导致的昼夜失调。

    The device channels bright light direct to the brain via the ear canal to prevent and cure depression , mood swings and even circadian-rhythm disorders such as jetlag .