
  • 网络road intersection
  1. 基于OEM-2100的城市道路交叉口排放测试试验研究

    Experimental Research on Vehicle Emission at Urban Road Intersection Based on OEM-2100

  2. 提出了基于Radon变换的道路交叉口检测与识别算法,并实现了基于道路交叉口参数化模型的转弯参考路径的规划和车速控制。

    This study also presents a road intersection detection and recognition algorithm based on the Radon Transform , and implements the planning of the referential path and the limited speed based on the parametric model of the road intersection .

  3. GIS在城市道路交叉口规划系统中应用的探讨

    Discussion on the application of Geographic Information System to urban road cross-section planning

  4. 介绍了人工神经网络的BP算法,建立了基于Matlab神经网络工具箱的交通流量预测模型,并以实际道路交叉口为例进行2小时40分,分时段的数据采集,利用模型进行短时流量预测。

    The model of the artificial neural networks BP algorithm is introduced , and the traffic flow forecast model based on the Matlab neural network toolbox is established . We also forecast the traffic flow through sampling the data during 2 hours and 40 minutes in a actual street intersection .

  5. 考虑到交通运行中停车集散波对车辆排队长度的影响,对Webster算法进行了改进,提出了运用车流波动理论计算道路交叉口信号控制中最短周期设计的修正公式。

    By considering the influence of vehicle stop waves on queuing length , traditional Webster algorithm is amended , and a revised formula for minimum cycle calculation in signal intersection control is introduced by traffic flow wave theory .

  6. 城市道路交叉口高峰小时流量的灰色预测

    Application of Grey Prediction Model in Urban Cross Peak Hour flow

  7. 南京市道路交叉口路面病害调查及原因分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Pavement Distress at Road Intersections in Nanjing

  8. 城市道路交叉口行人交通安全设计方法研究

    Method for Pedestrians ' Traffic Safety Design of Urban Road Intersections

  9. 城市道路交叉口转弯比例反算模型的一般解法

    A General Solution Method for Intersection Turning Movement Proportions Inversion Model

  10. 温江城区道路交叉口信号控制优化研究

    Optimization Control Research on Signal Timing for Urban Intersections in Wenjiang

  11. 交通流流体力学模型在道路交叉口的应用

    Application of the hydrodynamic model of traffic flow to intersection

  12. 道路交叉口信号控制方法的智能化探索

    The Intellectualized Exploration of the Signal Controlled Method of the Road Intersection

  13. 道路交叉口应预留出至少6米的头顶间隙。

    Minimum head clearance of6 meters shall be provided at road crossings .

  14. 道路交叉口司机视觉行为习惯研究

    A Study on Drivers ' Visual Behavior Habits at Intersections

  15. 城市道路交叉口的车辆运行油耗研究

    Study of the Vehicle Fuel Consumption on City Road Intersects

  16. 城市道路交叉口机动车排放污染物扩散模式

    Mode of Motor Vehicle Emission Pollutants Diffusion of Intersection in Urban Street

  17. 道路交叉口指路标志定量分析指标及方法研究

    Quantitative Analysis Index and Method for Guide Signs at Intersection

  18. 道路交叉口信号的模糊神经网络控制

    A Traffic Signal Control Method for Isolated Intersection Applying Fuzzy Neural Network

  19. 多目标城市道路交叉口信号配时优化算法研究

    Research on Multi-object Optimization Algorithm of Urban Road Traffic Lights

  20. 基于系统聚类的城市道路交叉口安全评价方法研究

    Safety Evaluation of City Road Intersection Based on System Clustering

  21. 一种用于城市道路交叉口的翼式立体交叉桥

    A wing ─ style gallop bridge suited for road junctions in urban section

  22. 城市道路交叉口空间的可识别性

    Identifiable Characteristic of the Road Intersection in the City

  23. 城市道路交叉口系统的仿真研究

    The Simulation Research on the City 's Intersections System

  24. 城市道路交叉口车辆微观行驶模型

    Micro - model for Vehicle Behavior in Urban Intersection

  25. 海伦在接近道路交叉口时换了挡。

    Helen changed gear as she approached the junction .

  26. 浅议城市道路交叉口摩托车管理

    Brief Discussion on Motorcycle Management in Urban Road Intersection

  27. 信号控制道路交叉口右转车流延误研究

    Study of Right-turn Traffic Delays on Signal Control Intersection

  28. 对城市道路交叉口左转专用车道设计的探讨

    Probe Into the Design of Left-turn Lane at Signalized Crossing on Urban Street

  29. 城市道路交叉口评价指标体系探讨

    On the Evaluation Parameters of Urban Road Intersection

  30. 关于城市道路交叉口公交优先方法的研究

    Study on Urban Intersections ' Bus Priority Method