
  1. 看着你长大,每天都是恩典。

    It was great just watching you , every day was like a privilege .

  2. 这些都是神恩典中可能的事,如果我们有了这些经历,就会更愿意俯伏在神脚前,也就会更渴慕最高的灵命。

    These things are DIVINE POSSIBILITIES , and because they are His work , the true experience of them will always cause us to bow lower at His feet and to learn to thirst and long for more .

  3. 我又忘记了一切都是神的恩典,有意无意地把那一点成功归于自己的努力。

    Once again I started to forget God 's grace , attributing my success to my own efforts .

  4. 作为主耶稣的信徒,我们知道我们所拥有的,并且我们所成为的,都是主的恩典。??

    As believers in the Lord Jesus , we know that all we have , and all that we are , is a grace gift from the Lord .