
  1. 几乎家家户户都养花养鸟,生活充满情趣。

    Aviculture plant flowers in almost every household , life is full of fun .

  2. 两天之后,群狗都养胖了。

    Two days later , the dogs were FST .

  3. 如今要是没钱的话连只狗都养不起了。

    Can 't get no dogs anymore these days if you 're not rich .

  4. 很多英国人都养兔子作宠物,但他们同样吃兔子。

    Many British people keep rabbits as pets , and yet also eat them .

  5. 所有独身女士都养了一只猫。

    All single women have a cat .

  6. 就连在沙漠里可以活得很好的仙人掌,她都养不活。

    Many aren 't even able to keep alive cactus , which thrive in deserts .

  7. 两者都养有列乌里类的宠物以供应他们珠宝。

    Both of them keep the Lie Wu Li type of pet to supply them with gems .

  8. 他的钱财简直被骗得精光,现在连家都养不起了。

    He has been really taken to the cleaners and now he can hardly afford to keep his family .

  9. 我想人们都养过狗,直到如今,狗更酿成不少家子中的宠物。

    I think people have a dog , until now , more into a lot of the family dog pet .

  10. 从前,有个穷人。他穷得连自己的独生儿子都养不起。

    Once upon a time there was a poor man who could no longer afford to keep his only son .

  11. 这秋蝉的嘶叫,在北方可和蟋蟀耗子一样,简直像是家家户户都养在家里的家虫。

    Because of their ubiquitous shrill noise , these insects in Peiping seem to be living off every household like crickets or mice .

  12. 有白色斑点的深色羽毛的西非鸟禽;原产于非洲,但世界许多地方都养作食用。

    W African bird having dark plumage mottled with white ; native to Africa but raised for food in many parts of the world .

  13. 信是这样写的:特若·诺瓦号船上现在有19匹小马,所有小马都养在船首的小舱里。

    There are nineteen ponies on the Terra Nova now , he wrote . All the penies are in a small room at the front of the ship .

  14. 但是,随着生活水平的快速提高,观念也在迅速改变。现如今,很多韩国年轻人说,在这个快节奏、竞争激烈的社会里,他们连自己都养不起,更别说养父母了。

    But attitudes here have changed just as fast as living standards , and now many young people say they can 't afford to support themselves and their parents in Korea 's fast-paced , highly competitive society .

  15. 他们中许多人家境贫寒,常常利用课余时间勤工俭学,以解决学习和生活的资用问题。其勤工俭学的方式主要有佣工、佣书、都养、经商等。

    But due to poverty , many of them have to take part-time jobs to maintain life and academic , which include being a hireling , copying books for other people or the authorities , engaging in trade , etc.

  16. 她退休余下的时间都在养花中度过。

    She spent the remainder of her retirement growing flowers .

  17. 小区里家家都爱养花。

    In this neighbourhood , every family loves growing flowers .

  18. 都说养儿才知父母恩!

    All said raises only then knows the parents graciousness !

  19. 我没法一直这么坐着,是不是让你抓狂到希望这辈子都不养孩子?

    My inability to sit still will make you wish you never had kids .

  20. 但她们都发现养儿育女的经验,很有意义

    and that they had all found so much meaning in that experience of parenting .

  21. 在他的知识里,他晓得京西一带,都有养骆驼的。

    As far as he knew , camels were raised in villages west of beiping .

  22. 我问过了他说“现在不行”就意味着“永远都不能养”

    I did ask . He said , " Not now , " which means never .

  23. 成品效果很好,我自己都想养一群了。

    The result was so sweet , I wanted to keep a flock of them for myself .

  24. 农村人都喜欢养猫,但是城里人更喜欢养狗。

    In the countryside many people have cats , but in modern cities people prefer having a dog .

  25. 不是每个老年人都愿意养宠物,即使是那些以前养宠物的人。

    Not every elderly person wants to own a pet , even those who were previous pet owners .

  26. 嗯,现在我的工资都不够养我和老婆孩子的。

    Edward : Well , right now , my salary isn 't enough to support me and my family .

  27. 妈妈每年都要养3期蚕,每天清早就要起来给蚕喂叶子。

    Her mother raised three batches of silkworms a year , getting up every day at dawn to feed them leaves .

  28. 在这个世界上,所有的动物都不可能养不起它的孩子。

    In this world , all animal can afford to feed its offspring .

  29. 他们都不想养他。

    They didn 't care enough to feed him .

  30. 谁都没有瞧不起养兔场的住客&美洲兔,因为它滋味很美。

    The tenants of the warren were not at all to be despised , for they were delicious .