首页 / 词典 / good

  • pave;spread;extend;overlay;parquet;make up;unfold
  • 把东西散开放置,平摆:~开摊平。~床。~垫(a.卧具;b.衬托,陪衬,写作技巧之一)。~张。平~直叙。

  • 商店:饭~。肉~。~面。

  • 床:床~。搭~。卧~。

  • 旧时的驿站:三十里~。


(把东西展开或摊平) spread; extend; unfold:

  • 把稻草铺在院子里

    lay straw over the yard;

  • 把毯子铺在草地上

    spread out a rug on the grass;

  • 把桌布铺在桌子上

    spread a tablecloth on the table;

  • 运动已经全面铺开。

    The movement is fully under way.


(铺设) pave; lay:

  • 铺路面

    surface a road;

  • 铺铁轨

    lay a railway track;

  • 一条砖铺的小路

    a path paved with bricks;

  • 用混凝土铺路

    pave a road with concrete;

  • 多数街道是用柏油铺的。

    Most streets are laid with asphalt.

  • 他们最近铺了一条地下管道。

    Recently they have laid an underground pipeline.

  • 我相信这个条约将为欧洲的和平铺平道路。

    I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe.



  • 一铺床

    a bed

  1. 他迅速展开毯子,铺在床垫上。

    He quickly unfolded the blankets and spread them on the mattress

  2. 他们用热水煮树叶,然后把它们铺在一块熏肉上当晚饭吃。

    They cooked the leaves in hot water , and spread them on a piece of bacon which they were going to have for dinner .

  3. 我的鞋跟儿给铺好的石头磨坏了。

    I scuffed the heel of my shoe on the stonework .

  4. 先铺一层碎生菜叶,再把鱼放上,就可以上桌了。

    Serve the fish on a bed of shredded lettuce .

  5. 道路用平整的石板铺成。

    The road was paved with smooth stone slabs .

  6. 我们的起居室里需要铺新地毯了。

    We need new carpeting in the living room .

  7. 我们家的地上都铺了地毯。

    We have fitted carpets in our house .

  8. 他们新铺的白地毯有一点脏都看得见。

    Their new white carpet showed every mark .

  9. 新铁路线将铺在地面上。

    The new railway line will run overground .

  10. 你如果要铺瓷砖,得先整平地面。

    If you 're laying tiles , the floor will need to be levelled first .

  11. 大厅铺上了蓝色的地毯。

    The hall was carpeted in blue .

  12. 我们将使用混凝土铺地面。

    We 'll use concrete paving .

  13. 他们就躺在铺在混凝土地面上的睡袋上。

    They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor .

  14. 一阵狂风把铺在屋顶上的一块金属片掀起来了。

    A gust of wind pried loose a section of sheet-metal roofing

  15. 她母亲在她曾经住过的房间里铺好了一张床。

    Her mother made up a bed in her old room .

  16. 玄关处的大厅铺着黑白相间的大理石地砖。

    The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles .

  17. 他们穿过拱门走进铺着鹅卵石的院子。

    They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard .

  18. 铺在楼梯上的地毯磨损得很厉害,都快散了。

    The stairway carpet is so frayed it threatens to unravel .

  19. 把洋葱片铺在盘底。

    Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish .

  20. 他们本想在整个房间的木地板上都不铺地毯的。

    They would have liked bare wooden floors throughout the house .

  21. 恫吓将迫使他们把兵力铺得更广。

    The threat will force greater dispersion of their forces .

  22. 她坐在铺着石板的庭院里的一把椅子上。

    She sat on a chair in the flagged yard .

  23. 椅座上又铺回了花毯。

    The seats of the chairs had been recovered in tapestry

  24. 饭菜摆放在擦得铮亮、铺着衬垫的餐桌上。

    The food is served on polished tables with mats .

  25. 铺上网眼垫纸,将蛋糕摆得诱人些。

    Set out the cakes attractively , using lacy doilies .

  26. 受损的房子已经修好,公路重铺了,大楼也翻新了。

    Damaged houses have been repaired , roads repaved and buildings retrofitted .

  27. 碎砖石可以用来铺路基和庭院地基。

    Brick rubble is useful as the base for paths and patios .

  28. 房间里铺了地毯,窗户上安装了有色玻璃。

    The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass

  29. 树没有修剪,路也没有铺。

    Trees were to be left uncut , roads unpaved .

  30. 他们坐在铺有福米加塑料贴面的餐桌前,桌上凌乱地堆着用过的茶杯。

    They sat at a Formica table cluttered with dirty tea cups .