
  • 网络flood control benefit;benefit of flood control
  1. 长江三峡工程防洪效益风险分析研究

    Risk Analysis of Flood Control Benefit of Three-Gorge Project

  2. 三峡工程的防洪效益是它对长江中下游生态环境得以改善的最大贡献。

    The flood control benefit of the TGP is the greatest contribution to the improvement of the eco-environment in the middle and lower reaches .

  3. 在论述防洪效益基本原则的基础上,将洪灾损失回归成对数函数,并采用Houghton不完全中值法积分计算防洪效益,方法精确简捷,可得满意的防洪效益计算成果

    On the basis of researching the fundamental principle of flood control benefits , the flood disaster loss regresses to logarithm function , and the Houghton incomplete mid value integration method is adopted to calculate flood control benefits A satisfactory result can be obtained by using this simple and precise method

  4. 流域防洪效益计算宏观模型

    A macro-model for calculating benefit of flood control system in a basin

  5. 关于三峡工程防洪效益的我见

    My Opinions on the Benefit of Flood Preventation of TGP

  6. 龙滩工程是广西防洪效益最好的一项工程

    Longtan Reservoir is a Greatest Flood Storage and Best Benefits Project in Guangxi

  7. 三峡工程的防洪效益与江汉平原产业结构调整设想

    Effects of the Three Gorge Project against flood on the Jianghan Plain and suggestions for adjustment of industrial structures

  8. 简述了防洪效益的特点,对现有防洪效益计算方法进行了较深入的探讨。

    This paper outlines the characteristics of flood control benefits and describes , in more detail . the prevailing calculation methods .

  9. 优化小浪底水库调度方式,发挥小浪底水库的长期防洪效益;

    Optimizing the regulation mode of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir and playing the role of long-term flood control benefits of the reservoir ;

  10. 对飞云江流域珊溪水库坝址以上泰利台风暴雨洪水及水库洪水调度和防洪效益进行了分析。

    This paper analyses " Taili " typhoon storm flood above Shanxi Reservoir dam site of Feiyun River Vally , reservoir flood operation and flood control benefit .

  11. 最优等效替代措施法、保险费法及稳定生产增长法不能作为计算防洪效益的合理可行方法。

    The methods based on optimal and equivalent alternatives , assurance premium and stable production growth cannot be regarded as rational and feasible methods for calculating flood control benefits .

  12. 在此基础上计算了各个方案的防洪效益、发电效益、逐年的投资、运行费以及补充火电的燃料费等。

    Based upon such a foundation , the benefits of flood control and hydroelectric power annual investment operation cost as well as fuel consumption of supplementary thermal electricity were computed .

  13. 研究结果表明,汉口边滩具有较大的开发利用价值,合理整治开发汉口边滩可以发挥其防洪效益、经济效益和社会效益。

    The result shows that developing Hankou beach is valuable , it can exert flood control effectiveness , economical effectiveness and social effectiveness through reasonably regulating and exploiting Hankou beach .

  14. 同时对流域防洪效益的研究现状进行综述,初步探讨了计算防洪工程多年平均防洪效益的方法。

    At the same time , the research of flood control benefits was reviewed , and calculation methods about multi-annual mean flood control benefit of flood control projects were preliminary discussed .

  15. 频率法的很大不足是难以采用动态方法计算多年平均防洪效益,它只能给出防洪工程的静态效益指标;

    The major shortcoming of the frequency method is that it is hard to work out the long-term average benefit with dynamic calculations , though it does provide static indices of flood control works .

  16. 另外,利用该模型完成了洞庭湖疏浚工程的防洪效益计算,证明了疏浚工程在高洪水位条件下对对水流流场平顺、降低洪水水位仍具有改善作用。

    Besides flood-control benefit of dredging works is calculated by utilizing this model . The study proved the dredging works will improve flow field easement degree and reduce flood level greatly under the conditions of high flood level .

  17. 运用频率法结合实际模拟法综合计算工程的防洪效益,并进行影响因素的敏感性分析,在一定程度上解决了在建工程项目缺乏实际资料、可变因素多等问题。

    Calculating the profit of prevented or controlled flood with method of frequency and method of practically simulation , and processed sensitively analysis , thought settled lacking a series of information and subsisting extraordinary uncertainty on constructing project on a certain extent .

  18. 水库群优化调度,就是应用系统工程学的理论方法,将水库群作为一个完整系统,并使用优化方法来解决其调度的优化问题,为水库群防洪效益的进一步发挥创造了广阔的前景。

    Optimization-schedule of multi-reservoirs system is treating the multi-reservoirs system as a whole system , using theory and methods of system-engineering science and optimization method to solve its schedule problem , making a wide foreground for the control flood benefit of multi-reservoirs system .

  19. 在此基础上,归纳了考虑蓄滞洪区的淹没损失、防洪效益、供水效益和生态效益等指标,以蓄洪的综合效益最大为原则,采用模糊识别理论进行方案优选,确定最优蓄水位的方法。

    In the method , on the principle of the maximum comprehensive benefits of water storage , the flood damage , the benefits such as flood preventing , water supply and ecology were considered , the fuzzy recognized theory was employed to determine the optimum water level .

  20. 结果表明:凡是综合治理较好的小流域,各项水保措施发挥了显著的作用,蓄水保土和防洪效益明显,大大地减轻了洪水危害和洪灾造成的损失。

    The results indicated that in those better comprehensively-controlled small watersheds , every soil and water conservation practice has brought about , the apparent benefit , effects upon water storage and soil conservation as well as flood prevention , thus reducing flood threats and damages caused by flood disasters .

  21. 黄河下游防洪减灾效益分析

    Benefit Analysis of Flood Protection and Disaster Deletion in the Yellow River

  22. 防洪工程效益的分析与计算

    Analysis and calculations of the profit brought by the preventing flood engineering

  23. 新安江水库2008年防洪调度效益分析和探讨

    Benefits of Xin ′ anjiang Reservoir dispatching for flood control in 2008

  24. 经济风险分析主要集中在防洪费用效益的风险分析;

    Economic risk analysis centres on cost benefit risk analysis of flood control .

  25. 大型水库防洪补偿效益计算

    Flood control compensation benefit of large reservoir

  26. 防洪工程效益可靠性评价

    Reliability analysis of flood control project benefit

  27. 1996年长江中下游堤防工程防洪经济效益分析

    Economic benefit analysis of flood control in 1996 for Levees in middle reach of Yangtze River

  28. 龙泉市安仁溪小流域治理防洪减灾效益分析

    Benefit analysis of flood control and disaster reduction for small watershed management of Anren stream in Longquan

  29. 水利工程防洪经济效益风险分析方法探讨

    Preliminary Study on the Method of Risky Analysis About the Econmic Benefit of Flood Control in Hydraulic Engineering

  30. 水库防洪补偿效益是以明确水库与相关对象权利与义务关系为目的的,科学合理计算防洪补偿效益是基础。

    Flood control compensation benefit of reservoir is aiming to distinguish the rights and obligations between reservoir and related parties , the obligation is depending on calculating compensation benefit scientifically and rationally .