
  • 网络disconnector;disconnecting switch;Disconnect Switch
  1. 介绍了C-GIS用真空断路器及三工位隔离开关的设计技术;运用微机技术开发了专用的三工位隔离开关控制器;

    The vacuum circuit breaker and three-position disconnector are designed for C-GIS and special micro-computer controller for the three-position disconnector is developed .

  2. 800kV隔离开关是我国西北电网建设750kV线路的重要开关设备之一。

    800 kV disconnector is one of the most important switchgears in 750 kV transmission line , built in Northwest of China .

  3. GIS中隔离开关开合母线转换电流能力的分析

    Analysis of bus-transfer current switching by disconnectors in GIS

  4. 特高压GIS隔离开关的电场特性及绝缘性能研究

    The Research of Electric Field and Insulation Characteristic for Ultra High Voltage Disconnector

  5. 用PLC改造隔离开关防误闭锁装置

    Ameliorating the Anti-taking Degating Device of Insulated Switch with PLC

  6. 超高压GIS中隔离开关不同操作方式对快速瞬态过电压的影响研究

    Effect of Isolating Switch Operation on Very Fast Transient Over-voltage in Extra-high Voltage GIS

  7. 1100KVGIS隔离开关分合容性小电流试验中的暂态电压测量

    Transient Voltage Measurement in Switching Small Capacitive Current Test of 1 100 kV GIS Disconnector

  8. GIS隔离开关操作对二次设备的影响

    The Effects of Operations of the Disconnector Switch on the Secondary Circuits in Gas Insulated Substations

  9. 通过分析,笔者将断路器、隔离开关、GIS分别确定为三个相关市场。

    Through analysis , the author circuit breaker , disconnecting switch , GIS were identified as three related markets .

  10. 500KVGIS隔离开关绝缘拉杆放电故障原因分析

    Cause Analysis on 500 kV GIS Switchgear Insulation Pulling Lever Fault

  11. CVT一次隔离开关操作对变压器过励磁保护影响的研究

    Influence of CVT Primary-Side Isolator Operation on Over-Excitation Protection of Transformer

  12. 分析了GIS中隔离开关开合母线转换电流的机理,提出了隔离开关结构上的改进和主接线设计、产品布置及操作时应采取的措施

    This paper discusses the mechanism of bus transfer current switching by disconnectors in GIS . The improvements of disconnectors in structure design and operation are proposed . Products

  13. 分析了操作气体绝缘变电站(GIS)隔离开关所产生的特快速瞬变过程(VFT)过电压形成的机理;

    This paper presents the analysis of very fast transients overvoltages in GIS generated by disconnectors operation .

  14. GW6-220型隔离开关机械尺寸调整要点及分析

    Key Points for Adjustment of Mechanical Sizes of GW_6-220 Isolating Switch

  15. 基于WVD的隔离开关操作传导EMI时频分析

    Time-frequency Domain Analysis of Conducted EMI Caused by Disconnect Switch Operation Based on WVD

  16. 采用PIN管实现了隔离开关的隔离度,并通过三极管间接控制PIN管的偏置提高了测试速度。

    PIN tube is used to achieve the isolation of the switch . Through indirect control PIN tube by transistor , testing speed is increased .

  17. 研究的等离子体电极直接用于ICF激光驱动器的隔离开关,开关的各项指标很好地满足了激光系统对隔离开关的要求。

    The discharge plasma were directly used in the large-aperture optical switch for the ICF laser system .

  18. 110KVGIS变电站主变隔离开关缺陷引起的安全隐患分析与处理高压组合电器(GIS)及其智能化变电站

    Analysis and Treatment of the Hidden Dangers from the Defect of the Disconnecting Switch with Main Transformer at 110 kV GIS Substation

  19. 500kV变电站隔离开关操作PT二次侧干扰信号的研究

    Research on Disturbance in the Secondary Side of PT During Disconnector Switching in 500 kV Substation

  20. GW5-110型隔离开关性能改进的研究

    Research on improving the performance of GW_5-110 isolating switch

  21. GW7-220型隔离开关改造问题的讨论

    Discussion on improving GW_7-220 isolating switch

  22. 8路隔离开关量输出(DO)通道(无源触点,1A/220V);

    On-off signal isolated data output ( DO ) passways ( contact without power , 1A / 220V );

  23. 500kV隔离开关操作中燃弧引起的感应过电压

    Induced overvoltage caused by arcing during operation of 500 kV disconnecting switches

  24. 利用ANSYS软件分析了在役隔离开关支柱瓷瓶承受的拉应力、剪应力情况,得到上下元件瓷体部分危险区域的最大应力值;

    With finite element analytic software ANSYS , tensile stress and shear stress in post porcelain insulator of disconnect switch are analyzed , and maximal stress is obtained in dangerous area of insulator units .

  25. 800kV隔离开关屏蔽环设计

    Design of the Shielding Ring of 800 kV Disconnector

  26. 110kV隔离开关附近电场分布的研究

    Electric Field Distribution Near Disconnection Switches Within 110 kV Substation

  27. 浙江电网110kV及以上隔离开关运行情况分析

    Operation Analysis for Disconnectors of 110 kV and above in Zhejiang Province

  28. 根据GIS的结构特点,对一种带有并联电阻的隔离开关抑制VFTO的机理、作用进行了数值分析。

    Base on the structural characteristic of GIS , the mechanism and effects of disconnector with shunt resistor to depress VFTO are simulated and analyzed in this paper .

  29. 运用重合性分段隔离开关实现10kV贯通自闭线事故的自动定位

    Realize automatic fixing of 10 kV through and automatic shuts off accident by using multiple separating isolating switch

  30. 为了研究封闭式组合电器(GIS)中隔离开关操作引起的快速暂态过电压的产生机制,采用了探求激发模式的思想方法。

    In order to research the generating mechanism of very fast transient overvoltage ( VFTO ) that is caused by the operation of isolator in gas insulated substation ( GIS ), a method of detecting ' exciting mode ' was used here .