
ɡé lí fǎ
  • isolation method
  1. 简述毒饵诱杀隔离法防治插条地东方金龟子

    Briefly introduce on bait trap isolation method of the Oriental Scarabs

  2. 天然气长输管道氮气隔离法投产置换工艺研究

    On Gas Displacement Technology of Nitrogen Isolation Method for Long-distance Transmission Pipeline

  3. 纳米TiO2的制备及半透膜隔离法降解水中有机染料的研究

    Preparation of Nono - titania and Its Photocatalytic Degradation Behavior

  4. 基于分平面隔离法的传输ECC网络优化方案设计

    Design on the optimization scheme of transmission ECC net based on compartmental plane method

  5. 对于美国白人,这意味着去承认奴隶制度的影响,还有美国黑人不会突然消失在六十年代(“JimCrow”原意为:黑人,是美国白人至上主义者对黑人的蔑称;今译作“黑人隔离法”。),

    For white Americans , it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn 't suddenly vanish in the '60s ,

  6. 其中:路内测试仪对不同被测对象选择不同测试方法,采用电位隔离法实现了被测对象与PCB上其他元器件的隔离,并采用自适应测试方法提高测试结果的准确度。

    ICT instrument used different testing method for different object and carried out the segregation between tested object and other components on tested PCB by potential isolating ways , and the precision of tested object was improved by using self-adaptive testing method .

  7. 为验证土壤中N2O能否通过植物的输导组织由叶片释放从而干扰植物直接释放N2O的定量测定,实验采用分室隔离法确证了土壤N2O对测定某些作物(如玉米、高粱)直接释放N2O的干扰;

    With separated compartment culture technique , the study confirmed that N 2O in soils has a great interference on the measurement of N 2O emitted directly by some plants such as maize and sorghum . The interference can be effectively eliminated by means of sand liquid cross culture technique .

  8. 他们以违抗隔离法为由囚禁了八千多人。

    They imprisoned more than eight thousand people for defying segregation laws .

  9. 用区间隔离法求函数的极值

    The solution of function extremum by interval isolation method

  10. 电力谐波的有源隔离法

    An Active Isolating Method for Harmonics in Power Systems

  11. 动态隔离法解决钢铁厂低压氮气管网纯度波动问题

    A discussion on the dynamic separation to solve purity fluctuation in nitrogen network

  12. 以逐步隔离法为基础的系统泄漏率试验经济性回收分析

    Economic Benefit Recovery Analysis of System Leakage Ratio Test Based on Gradually Insulation Method

  13. 法院废除了当地的隔离法,因为它们违背了联邦宪法的规定。

    The courts struck down local segregation laws because they violated the federal constitution .

  14. 井下隔离法全过程欠平衡钻井技术及应用

    To realize whole-process underbalanced drilling through adoption of downhole isolation method and field application

  15. 减少交叉路口路肢的隔离法

    Reduction in number of intersecting legs by separation

  16. 他们经常违犯种族隔离法。

    They contravened the apartheid laws regularly .

  17. 自由振动模态分量隔离法

    A Technique to Isolate Modal Free Vibrations

  18. 城市隔离法引起美国全国范围内的民权运动,这是可以理解的。

    The city segregation law had understandably aroused a civil right movement that spread from coast to coast .

  19. 目的观察浸浴疗法结合家庭病房式隔离法治疗烧伤后期残余创面的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinically therapeutic effect of immersion bath combined with homey wards on late burn remnant wounds .

  20. 天然河道湍浮力流动的数值模拟Ⅰ:用隔离法实现三维复杂边界处理

    Numerical simulation of turbulent buoyant flow in natural open channel Part ⅰ: Segregated Method for 3 D complicated boundary treatment

  21. 在明确了汽车车内噪声产生机理及其频率结构的基础上,采用整体隔离法对国产某车型的车内噪声进行了试验研究。

    Based on the causations and frequency configurations of vehicle interior noise , we do the test on a homemade vehicle by integer insulating means .

  22. 调试中采取了多种抗干扰措施,重点是用中断控制线隔离法解决了一种特殊的“复零干扰”问题。

    Varied measures against interference are taken in test running The major problem of " zero-reset interference " is overcome by the isolation method of control-line disconnection .

  23. 结合以上计算结果,提出采用关键构件设计法和分区隔离法可进行多跨简支空心板桥的抗连续倒塌设计。

    Based on these results , key element design and isolation method by segmentation are proposed to the design against progressive collapse for multi-span simply-supported and voided slab beam bridge .

  24. 例如:「隔离法」即是近年来颇被接受的方式,被隔离的孩子必须坐在墙角或是墙边,除非他们肯乖一点才可以起来;

    For example , " time outs " have become popular in recent years . Children in " time out " have to sit in a corner or by a wall . They can get up only when they are ready to act nicely .

  25. 第二,动力学的研究,通过不同条件下的实验,找到最佳反应条件实现热力学预期的目的,主要有以下几个方面:运用隔离法和微分法测定反应的反应级数;

    Second , the research of dynamics , through the experiment under different conditions , founding the best response condition and realizing the anticipated purpose of thermodynamics , There are the following several respects mainly : Using isolation method and differentiation determines the response progression that reacts ;

  26. 独特地采用分层隔离法,通过测量模拟铸锭内的温度分布,依据焦耳-楞次定律,计算了扁锭电磁铸造中感应电流密度分布、感应加热功率和速率;

    A specific layered isolating method has been used to measure the temperature and its gradient distribution of simulated ingot . Based on the results above , the induced current intensity distribution and the induced heating rate within the EMC slab has been calculated according to the Joul-Lenzs laws .

  27. 隔离体法在有限元接触分析中的应用

    Application of isolation - unit method to finite element contact analysis

  28. 机械密封环隔离体法有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Mechanical Sealed Ring with Isolation - unit Method

  29. 暗挖隧道过既有建筑物采用隔离桩法施工分析

    Analysis on Application of Isolation Piles in Construction of Mined Tunnels Underneath Existing Buildings

  30. 为防止交界线的扩展和借用,提出了隔离堤法。为证实隔离堤的作用,做了6个不同的验证试验。

    In order to prevent the demarcation line from spreading and being borrowed , the isolation dyke method has been put forward .