
  • 网络integrated logistics
  1. 集成化物流的管理控制模式探讨

    A Discussion about Management Control Model of Integrated Logistics

  2. 物流的理论研究和实践在欧美发达国家取得了长足的发展,物流管理经历了实体分销管理、企业集成化物流管理和供应链管理三个阶段。

    Theoretic and empirical study on logistics is promoted greatly in western countries . Logistics management has experienced three stages , physical distribution management , enterprise integrated logistics management and supply chain management .

  3. 重点研究了集成化物流中一类特殊的定位-运输路线安排问题(LRP)的解决方法.LRP问题包括设施定位和运输路线优化两方面决策,属于NP-hard难题。

    A special LRP including many candidate facilities and customers with different demands in integrated logistics is studied .

  4. Profibus总线系统成功地应用于摩托车生产企业的集成化物流系统,并采用了RS485传输数据和电源。

    Profibus bus system which uses RS 485 to transfer data and power has found a successful application in a logic material handling system ( LMHS ) for motorcycle production .

  5. 大规模定制企业集成化物流运作模式研究

    On the Integrated Logistics Operation Model in the Mass Customization Enterprise

  6. 电子商务下集成化物流系统中的定位配给问题研究

    Study on Location-Allocation Problem in Integrated Logistics System Based on E-commerce

  7. 集成化物流管理中随机库存路径问题研究

    Research on Stochastic Inventory Routing Problem in Integrated Logistic Management

  8. 集成化物流是现代物流发展模式的高级形式。

    Integration logistics is a high form of development mode in modern logistics .

  9. 集成化物流链信息模型的研究

    Study on Integrated Logistics Chain Information Model

  10. 集成化物流研究

    Research on the Integrated Logistics

  11. 即:对于一般的物流活动应该从市场上进行采购,对于集成化的物流服务应该采用外部外包,当第三方物流市场走向垄断时,要积极寻求物流内包。

    The analysis results show that market purchasing is reasonable to general logistics activities , outsourcing to integrated logistics and insourcing logistics when logistics industry goes to oligopoly .

  12. 第四,物流服务方式日益多样化,以现代信息技术、运输技术、管理技术为基础的集成化、一体化物流服务将得到更为广泛的应用;

    Forth , integrated logistic service will be applied widely ;

  13. 通过这七个子系统,把企业内部以及节点企业之间的各种业务看作一个整体功能过程,形成了集成化供应链物流管理体系。

    By the seven subsystems , businesses in and outside the enterprise form an overall organic function and thus an integrated logistics management system under supply chain comes into the world .

  14. 物流业逐步从传统运输业发展成为集仓储、加工、运输和增值服务为一体的集成化的现代物流服务业模式,并且已经成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分。

    This industry gradually developed from a traditional transportation industry into one integrated modern logistics service mode of warehousing , processing , transportation and value-added service , and has become an important part of our national economy .

  15. 在电子商务的基础上,研究了支持企业动态供应链中供应、制造和销售3个环节的集成化模式的物流信息平台,分析了物流信息平台的功能和框架结构,并给出了实现方案。

    Based on E-commerce , this paper discussed logistics information platform , which integrated mode to support supply , manufacture , marketing of supply-chain . The paper analyzed its functions and framework , and presents a plan to implement it .

  16. 集成化食品冷链物流的绩效评价研究

    Research on Performance Measurement of the Integrated Food Cold Chain Logistics

  17. 为了提供高水平的医药物流服务,提高企业的市场竞争力,越来越多的医药物流企业通过资源整合、信息共享、组织与流程集成等手段力求实现集成化供应链物流管理。

    In order to provide high level of pharmaceutical logistics services and improve the competitiveness of the enterprise , more and more pharmaceutical logistics companies try to realize the logistics management based on integrated supply chain through resource integration and information sharing .

  18. 现代物流强调以合作、集成等方式充分整合企业内外部物流资源,进而为物流用户提供系统化、集成化的物流服务。

    Modern Logistics Emphasis on providing a systematic & integrated Logistics services based on fully integrating the internal and external Logistics resources .

  19. 物流服务供应链以集成物流服务商为核心,通过整合功能型物流服务商,实现服务资源的优化配置,并最终为物流需求方提供个性化、集成化的高质量物流服务。

    Logistics service supply chain taking the integrate logistics service provider as the core , though integration of functional logistics providers , realize service resources optimizing and disposition , and ultimately , provide logistics demanders personalized and integration of high quality logistics services .