
  • 网络container transport
  1. 自十多年前中国开始融入全球经济体系以来,集装箱货物运输量激增,运能一直难以满足需求。

    After China started integrating into the global economy more than a decade ago , volumes of containerised goods rocketed and capacity struggled to keep up with demand .

  2. 铁路集装箱货物运输是一种高效、安全的标准化运输模式,而铁路集装箱结点站,也称为集装箱货场,则是实现铁路集装箱运输物流的重要支撑环节。

    Railway container transportation is a mode of high-efficiency and safety , and the main station of railway container , which is also called railway container yard , is the key stand to realize logistics system of railway container .

  3. 基于该算法,在大量数值实验的基础上,定量地表达了空间利用率、待装货物总体积和待装货物类型数三者之间的关系,对集装箱货物运输有一定借鉴作用。

    With the algorithm and based on lots of numerical tests , the relationship is expressed quantitatively among the container usage rate of space , total volume of boxes and number of box types , which provides a strong decision support to the container freight traffic .

  4. 集装箱托盘货物运输船有集装箱船、船、化气运输船、冰船和多用途货船。

    There are all-container ships , cargo ships , liquefied-gas tankers , icebreakers and multi-purpose freighters .

  5. 依托快速发展的宁波港和高速增长的浙江经济,为当地和异地的出口集装箱货物的运输包装提供服务。

    Rely on the rapid development of Ningbo port , and high-speed economic growth in Zhejiang , for the local and off the export container cargo transport packaging services .

  6. 铁道货物运输量变得越来越大,而快速集装箱平车在货物运输中起到相当重要的作用。

    Railway freight volumn becomes bigger and bigger , and the container flat wagon plays a significant role in the railway freight transport .

  7. 铁路集装箱运输是铁路货物运输未来的发展方向。

    The containerized transportation in railway is the main focus in railway cargo transportation .

  8. 集装箱船作为海上货物运输的主要船型,正向着大型化、高速化的方向发展。

    The container ship is an important kind of transportation tools , and is toward large-scale and high-speed tendency .

  9. 铁路集装箱运输作为铁路货物运输的重要方式,其货物装箱方案的优劣直接关系到铁路集装箱装箱利用率和货物运输效率,对铁路集装箱的发展起着重要的作用。

    Railway container transportation as a important mode of the railway goods transportation , the loading scheme of goods of it plays a key role in raising utilization ratio of container bale capacity and load weight and promote the development of the railway container transportation .

  10. 危险货物申报员和集装箱检查员的监管是加强集装箱危险货物运输管理的重要环节。

    The system of dangerous goods declarer and container packing inspector form an important part in enhancement of the dangerous goods container control .