
  • 网络container trailer
  1. 在ANSYS软件平台上进行了CAE软件包的二次开发,设计了集装箱半挂车车架优化设计专用软件模块。

    The second development of CAE software package was carried out in the platform of ANSYS software , and the special purposed module of software for the optimization design of container semi-trailer frame was designed .

  2. 集装箱半挂车车架结构拓扑优化设计

    Topology Optimization Design of the Frame of Container Semi - dragging Trucks

  3. 主要生产:集装箱半挂车悬挂系统、气罐、支承腿和厢式货车门锁部件等。

    Main production : suspension hanger for Semi trailer , air tank , landing gear , van parts etc.

  4. 提出了将拓扑优化理论和结构参数优化方法综合应用于集装箱半挂车车架结构设计中的设计思想。

    The designing thought by letting the topological optimization theory and structural parametric optimization method be applied synthetically to the frame structural design of container semi-trailer was put forward .

  5. 集装箱半挂车在侧风作用下易发生行驶方向跑偏和折腰现象,影响稳定行驶。

    In the side wind the truck with a trailer is liable to deviate from the right direction , and also the tractor and the trailer are not able to keep in line , so that handling performance is affected .

  6. 公路铁路两用集装箱(不包括挂车)

    Container road-rail ( excl. trailers )