
  • 网络turnstile
  1. 2014年,韦尔康奈尔医学院(WeillCornellMedicalCollege)的科学家研究团队采集了486个纽约地铁站中的验票闸门、座位和自动售票机里的各种细菌基因样本进行排序。

    In 2014 , a team of scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College sequenced genetic material found in the turnstiles , seats , and ticket booths of all 468 New York City subway stations .

  2. 我跳过验票闸门,然后她假装边追我,边大喊“别担心,我会抓住她”。

    I jump the turnstile and she pretends to chase me , yelling " don 't worry , I 'll get her ! "