
  1. 当归对TNFα导致细胞骨架重排的逆转作用

    The Reverse Effect of Angelica on the Reorganization of Cytoskeleton Induced by TNF - α

  2. 肺炎链球菌在体外触发人肺Ⅱ型上皮细胞F-actin细胞骨架重排

    Type ⅱ pneumocytes filamentous actin rearrangements induced by Streptococcus pneumoniae in vitro

  3. SL提取物抑制细胞骨架重排的作用主要与Ca2+依赖的MLCK通路有关。

    SL extracts inhibiting the cytoskeleton rearrangement function mainly related with Ca + dependent MLCK pathway .

  4. 结论:上述结果提示Spn可通过TPK细胞信号转导途径触发A549细胞Factin细胞骨架重排,进而导致Spn侵袭A549细胞。

    Conclusion : S. pn could provoke F-actin rearrangements through TPK signaling pathways , which will further lead to S.pn invasion of A549 cells .

  5. VASP在切应力诱导的内皮细胞骨架重排中的变化

    Changes of VASP in shear stress induced cytoskeleton reorganization in endothelial cells

  6. 结果表明,无论是EIMS,还是CIMS均存在较多的骨架重排离子峰;

    The results show the EIMS and CIMS of this type compound all have many ion peaks produced through skeleton rearrangements .

  7. 肺炎链球菌触发人肺Ⅱ型上皮细胞F-actin细胞骨架重排与TPK信号转导的相关性研究

    Investigating on the relationship between F-actin rearrangements of type ⅱ pneumocytes induced by Streptococcus pneumoniae and TPK signal transduction in vitro

  8. 结果提示,AGEs修饰蛋白对单层内皮细胞通透性及骨架重排的作用可能通过与内皮细胞上的RAGE结合,引起细胞内的氧化应激,并激活p38MAPK通路所介导。

    These results indicate that RAGE , NADPH oxidase and p38 MAPK are possibly involved in the mediation of AGEs-induced barrier dysfunction and actin cytoskeleton reorganization in endothelial cells .

  9. 在EIMS中,均存在较多的骨架重排离子峰,其中CO,CF,CCF3,键断裂及失去CO形成的五元,四元含氮杂环离子是重要质谱特征。

    In EIMS there are many frame - rearrangement ion peaks . The cleavage of C-O , C-F. C-CF3 bonds and the formation of five-or four-membered heterocyclic ring ions containing nitrogen by losing CO are major mass spectrometric characters .

  10. 这些结果说明,β1族整合蛋白过表达可以调节p21基因的转录水平,而且这一现象可能与细胞骨架重排有关。

    These findings told that transcription of p21 gene can be exactly controlled by the β 1 integrins and the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon may involve the dynamic assembly of microfilament cytoskeleton .

  11. 所有这些变化均与受RhoGTPases家族调控的肌动蛋白细胞骨架重排关系密切。

    All of these changes are related to regulation of actin assembly , which in turn is mediated by the Rho GTPases family .

  12. 目的:研究当归对TNFα所致人脐静脉内皮细胞(ECV304)中细胞骨架重排的逆转作用。

    Objective : The reverse effect of Angelica on the reorganization of cytoskeleton induced by TNF_ α in cultured endothelial cells of the human umbilical chord vein ( ECV304 ) was studied .

  13. MST1在细胞增殖、分化、形态和细胞骨架重排方面发挥了重要作用。

    It has been implicated in the diverse biological functions including cell proliferation , differentiation , morphogenesis and cytoskeleton rearrangement .

  14. 前者的断裂机理和一般膦叶立德相似,形成一系列骨架重排离子,而后者只出现(C6H5)2(?)

    The following results have been observed : ( 1 ) The cleavage mechanism of EI mass spectra of fluorinated phosphonium ylides was similar to that of phosphonium ylides forming a series of skeletal rearrangement ions , but CI mass spectra gave only the ( C_6H_5 ) _2PO ions .

  15. 据此,我们找到了几种比较好的催化剂再生方法:高温焙烧法;二次合成(或骨架重排)法,通过加入碱性硅溶胶补硅的方法和酸处理法。

    By these , we found several better catalyst regeneration methods : high-temperature calcination , framework rearrangement method , acid treatment method and Si addition .

  16. 在中性粒细胞中,粘附引起的β2整合素的交联能够活化多种非受体酪氨酸激酶,这些激酶与细胞的骨架重排、生长、存活、运动密切相关。

    In neutrophils , adhesion-induced ligation of β 2 integrin activates various non-receptor tyrosine kinases , which have been demonstrated critical in integrin signaling and leads to cytoskeleton rearrangements , cell growth , survival , and motility .

  17. 结论:一定的外力可引起成骨细胞骨架的重排及细胞形态的变化。

    CONCLUSION : Stress may cause the rearrangement of cytoskeleton and the change of cellular shape .

  18. 力学刺激可引起骨架纤维重排并可借助第二信使将力学信号传递并转换,最终调节基因的表达。

    Mechanical stimulation can induce the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton , and the signals are transduced and transformed by the second messagers , finally resulting in the changes of gene expression .

  19. 在细胞迁移活动中,囊泡运输、微丝骨架的重排和连接复合物结构的组装等多种过程促进了突出的膜与骨架结构在细胞前沿形成。

    During cell migration , coordination of membrane traffic , actin skeleton remodeling and formation of new adhesion complexes is required for protrusive activity at the leading edge of the migrating cells .

  20. 无序生长和高迁移运动活性是转移性乳腺癌细胞的重要特征,这两个过程都涉及到细胞肌动蛋白骨架的解聚与重排。

    Uncontrolled growth and excessive migratory activities are the hallmarks of breast cancer cells . Both processes involve the actin cytoskeleton , which maintains and changes the cell shape in concert with actions of the contractile apparatus as a result of cell signaling .

  21. 结果显示,5,10dynes/cm~2的剪应力具有促进细胞增殖的作用,作用12h细胞的增殖指数分别提高了20.2%和45.7%,并且细胞形态沿流体流动的方向被拉长,细胞骨架荧光染色显示,骨架发生重排。

    The results showed that the proliferation index of osteoblasts increased respectively about 20.2 % and 45.7 % at 5 and 10 dynes / cm ~ 2 after 12h , and the cells were elongated along the way of flow , and the cytoskeleton rearranged .