
  • 网络bone defect;segmental bone defect;bone loss;bonedefect
  1. B组制造骨缺损模型。

    Group B manufacturing bone defect model .

  2. 去势+下颌骨骨缺损组(OVX+mandibularbonedefect,简称O组,27只);

    Group O : OVX ( ovariectomy ) + mandibular bone defect , 27 );

  3. 组织学切片观察显示,在不同时间点骨缺损修复程度A组均明显高于B组和C组,D组骨缺损处被纤维组织及肌组织等填充。

    The histological observation showed that the degree of bone restoration of group A was superior to that of groups B , C and D.

  4. 于植入后4,8,12周通过X射线片、CT、组织学等方法观察其骨缺损修复能力。

    Bone defect repair ability was observed through X-ray , CT and histological methods at 4,8 and 12 weeks after transplantation .

  5. IV型松动骨缺损1髋,采用解剖异体植骨,重建髋臼、骨水泥髋臼假体成型。

    Hips of IV type loosening , using allograft bone with anatomic reconstruction and bone cement acetabular component molding .

  6. 观察术后开始负重时间,每月拍X射线片观察骨缺损修复及再感染发生情况。

    The time of weight loading after operation was observed , and X-ray examination was monthly conducted to observe the repair of bone defect and re-infection .

  7. 牙种植体周围骨缺损引导骨组织再生后骨结合的生物力学研究CT引导下经皮骨样骨瘤的半导体激光间质凝固疗法

    Evaluation the osseointegration which the dental implants surrounding bone defect were treated with GBR by biomechanics test Abstract Percutaneous Interstitial Semiconductor Diode Laser Photocoagulation of Osteoid Osteoma Under CT-guided

  8. 方法:80只SD大鼠右胫骨制成骨缺损后,肌注谷康泰灵,动态行骨折愈合质量的组织形态计量学、生物力学、X线照片和骨密度检查。

    Methods 80 right tibia defects of rats were sawed . The Gu Kang Tai Ling were intramuscularly injected to the rats .

  9. 自体游离骨膜包裹多孔块状HAP修复掌指骨骨缺损的初步临床应用

    Repair of metacarpal and phalangeal defect : clinical application of porous hydroxyapatite implant wrapped with autogenous periosteum

  10. 如将转BMP-2基因的MSCs细胞移植入宿主体内,可用于治疗骨折和骨缺损等。

    For example , MSCs can be transplanted in vivo after BMP-2 gene transfection for fracture and bone defect treatments .

  11. 探讨在复合肌肉骨膜瓣联合移植修复长段骨缺损中BMP-2的表达

    Expression of BMP-2 with Combined Use of Spongy Bone Particle and Bone Marrow in Repairing Long Bone Defects

  12. 目的评估复合骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)的生物陶瓷在修复兔松质骨缺损中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the role of calcium phosphate ceramics hybrided with mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) in repairing cancellous bone defects in rabbits .

  13. 骨缺损修复观察:D组骨缺损已修复,骨缺损最长径的测量结果显著优于其余3组(P0.05)。

    Bone defects observed : D Group bone defects had been repaired completely , the measurement results of the longest diameter of bone defects significantly better than the other three groups ( P0.05 ) .

  14. 临床选择12例牙周骨缺损病例,进行引导组织再生术(GTR),观察疗效。

    12 periodontal defect bone tissue was collected and the clinical effect of artificial membrane by treatment with GTR were assessed .

  15. 骨缺损范围5~125cm2。观察:患者手术前后的全身及局部组织反应、ESR及CRP、X线摄片和CT扫描。

    The area of bone defect were 5 to 125 cm ~ 2.Before and after operation patients ' systematic and local reactions were observed and ESR , CRP , X-ray and CT image were obtained .

  16. 兔骨缺损区放射学检查:于10周X射线拍片见骨缺损区无骨性连接,断端硬化,髓腔封闭,两侧断端有少量骨痂形成,骨痂形成不规则。

    X-ray examination : no osseous connection could be detected at defect region at week 10 , broken end was ossified and medullary cavity was blocked , there was small amount of callus appeared at both broken ends displaying irregular shape .

  17. hMSC在治疗骨缺损、骨不愈合等方面具有巨大的应用潜力。

    HMSC has great application potential in treating bone defect and nonhealing of bone .

  18. Ⅱ型:骨缺损长度6~9cm,采用Ilizarov技术双节段截骨传送术。

    Class 2 : 6 ~ 9cm bone defected , treated with Ilizarov double level bone transport technique .

  19. 羟基磷灰石(HA)是人体硬组织的主要成分,人工合成的HA具有良好的生物相容性,已被广泛应用于骨缺损的填充和替代;

    Hydroxyapatite ( HA ), is the main mineral constituent of the hard tissues in human body . So synthesized HA has been widely applied as hard tissue replacement implants because of its excellent biocompatibility and non-toxicity .

  20. 结果:LPMN的CT表现为:(1)椎体后上缘或下缘局限性骨缺损,缺损区周围骨质硬化;

    Results : The CT features included : ( 1 ) focal bony defect in the posterior superior or posterior inferior edge of the affected vertebral body with sclerotic edge ;

  21. 结果:两组的骨缺损处均有新骨形成,Bio-oss/BMP组与单独植入Bio-oss相比,新骨形成更早、新生骨量更多、骨的矿化程度更高。

    Results : New bone formation occurred along surface of Bio-oss , and newly formed bone were increased as the time going by .

  22. 结论HPA与PHB联合使用,可早期获得骨缺损修复强度与外形并举的效果。

    Conclusions The results suggest that bone defects can be treated successfully with HPA and PHB membrane in the respect of hardness and contour of new forming bone in early periods .

  23. 方法手术造成50只家兔双侧胫骨中段6mm骨缺损后用外固定器固定。

    Methods Segmental defects of 6 mm were created in bilateral tibial diaphyses of 50 rabbits and then distracted by external fixation .

  24. 随意选择兔一侧桡骨,造成0.5cm骨缺损。

    Bone defect with wide of 0.5 cm was made in random side of radius of rabbits at sterile condition .

  25. 模拟手术过程制作犬桡骨40mm骨缺损模型,并检测模型体系强度。

    A 40 mm canine radial defect model was performed by mimic the actual operation . Finally the strength of this fixation system was tested .

  26. 骨缺损制备后21d和56d,两组每次分别处死6只大鼠,通过四环素荧光示踪、骨计量学方法及新骨矿物质含量测定技术比较两组颅骨缺损修复情况。

    The repairing condition of bone defects was evaluated by tetracycline fluorescence marker , quantitative bone histomorphometry and mineral content mensuration of new bone .

  27. 观察BMP对骨骼肌卫星细胞粘附、增殖及分化等生物学特性的影响,以探讨带血供肌瓣作为BMP载体修复骨缺损的细胞生物学机制。

    To investigate the effects of bone morphogenetic protein on adhension , proliferation and differentiation of skeletal muscle satellite cells so as to interpret the biological mechanisms of vascular muscle flap as a carrier of bone morphogenetic protein to repair bone defect .

  28. 方法:应用Ilizarov技术治疗下肢短缩12例(14个肢体),先天性胫骨假关节2例,骨髓炎骨缺损1例,矫治先天性马蹄内翻足9例。

    Methods : the Ilizarov technique was used in 12 patients ( 14 legs ) with short leg , 2 with congenital tibia pseudoarthrosis , 1 with bone defect following osteomyelitis and 9 with congenital clubfoot .

  29. 目的比较DL-PLA、20%β-TCP/DL-PLA制成的三维多孔材料降解特点,选择有利于骨缺损修复的材料。

    Objective To select a better bone repair material to heal bone defect between DL-PLA and 20 % β - TCP / DL-PLA which were prepared as 3-D porous .

  30. 通过SCPP修复骨缺损的研究,评估新材料的骨传导性、生物力学强度以及在体内降解等情况。

    To evaluate the skeletal conductibility , biodynamical strength of the material , and its degradation in vivo , through the study of the repairing of bone defect by SCPP .