
  • 网络bony ring
  1. 显然,眼睛没有在石化过程中存留下来,但通常情况下,眼眶周围的骨轮是眼睛大小的标志。

    Obviously , eyes don 't survive the fossilization process , but a bony ring that forms around the eye socket is usually a good indicator of size .

  2. 令古生物学者不解的是,从下孔类动物眼睛周围的骨轮可以看出,这些动物大多于夜晚行动。之前的传统观点认为,早期的哺乳动物为了躲避恐龙而成为夜行动物。

    And the bony rings around synapsid eyes indicate that they mostly operated at night , which paleontologists found puzzling.Previously , the conventional wisdom held that the earliest mammals became nocturnal to avoid dinosaurian detection .