
  1. 上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG)前总裁黎瑞刚执掌了华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital,简称CMC),后者是一家投资于太平洋两岸内容的机构。

    Li Ruigang , former president of Shanghai Media Group , is heading China Media Capital , a vehicle to invest in content on both sides of the Pacific .

  2. 然而,wpp非执行董事黎瑞刚的经历表明,缺席会议确实会发生。

    But the experience of Ruigang Li , a non-executive at WPP , shows that it can come up .

  3. CMC董事长黎瑞刚表示,此类合作有利于中国电影产业的发展。CMC是一家国有传媒产业基金,不久前刚与精品投资银行Raine集团结成了合作关系,这家美国银行拥有数位好莱坞以及硅谷大佬的支持。

    Such tie-ups are good for China , says Li Ruigang , chief executive of China Media Capital , a state-owned media fund , which recently formed a partnership with Raine , a US merchant backed by some of the biggest names in Hollywood and Silicon Valley .

  4. 中国媒体大亨黎瑞刚将支付创纪录的13亿美元购入中国足球协会超级联赛(CSL,简称:中超)5年转播权,这场豪赌是在押注年轻人将在移动设备上付费观看内容、以及足球将成为中国内地的一个重要产业。

    Chinese media mogul Li Ruigang is paying a record-breaking $ 1.3bn for the five-year broadcast rights to China 's football league , in a big bet that young people will pay for content on mobile devices and the beautiful game will become big business on the mainland .

  5. 在这些交易中,很多项目的背后都有华人文化产业投资基金的负责人黎瑞刚的身影。他曾经是一名政府官员,上海媒体界的高管。

    The China Media Capital executive behind many of these deals is Li Ruigang , a former government official and Shanghai media executive .

  6. 正是45岁的黎瑞刚,帮助成立了在参与制作《功夫熊猫3》的合资企业东方梦工厂。

    It was Mr. Li , 45 , who helped set up Oriental DreamWorks , the Shanghai joint venture working on Kung Fu Panda 3 .

  7. 黎瑞刚预计中国将进一步开放电影市场,更多的外国电影将被允许进入中国放映,中国本土电影产业也将向海外输出比目前更多的国产电影。

    He anticipates more openness in China , with more films allowed into the country and a domestic sector that exports more films than it does currently .

  8. 黎瑞刚表示,尽管中国的媒体确实主要为国家所有,但该基金正试图找到一种新的机制,既可以为现有的媒体监管框架所接受,同时也能促进与金融业的互动。

    Mr Li said that while it was true that media in China were primarily state-owned , CMC was " trying to find a new mechanism , which is acceptable to the existing media regulatory framework but , at the same time , encourages more interaction with financial sector " .

  9. 正是45岁的黎瑞刚,帮助成立了在参与制作《功夫熊猫3》的合资企业东方梦工厂。除了与梦工厂动画电影公司合作的项目外,东方梦工厂还在拍自己的作品,包括电视节目、电影和动画长片。

    It was Mr. Li , 45 , who helped set up Oriental DreamWorks , the Shanghai joint venture working on " Kung Fu Panda 3 . " Alongside projects with DreamWorks Animation , the studio is also working on its own portfolio of television programs , films and animated features .

  10. 黎瑞刚周二在香港的一个媒体会议上发表讲话时表示,中国观众过去不为观看优质内容付费,但移动播放是“付费模式的最佳解决方案”,因为年轻人对获得“良好的用户体验”要重视得多。

    Speaking at a media conference in Hong Kong on Tuesday , Mr Li said that while Chinese viewers do not have a history of paying for premium content , mobile broadcasting was " the best solution for the paid model " because young people were much more focused on getting a " good user experience . "