
hēi shì huì lǜ
  • black market exchange rate
  1. 外汇黑市汇率溢价与通货膨胀率的区制关系分析(1990~2006)

    The Regime Relationship between Black Market Exchange Rate Premia and Inflation Rate ( 1990-2006 );

  2. 缅元(kyat)存在的多重汇率其黑市汇率比官方汇率低最多200%搅乱了贸易和银行业。

    Multiple exchange rates for the Burmese currency , the kyat with a black market rate up to 200 per cent weaker than the official level has complicated trade and banking .

  3. 利率对我国黑市汇率影响的计量方法验证

    Authentication of Measurement Methods about Impact on the Interest Rate to China 's Black Exchange Rate

  4. 天然气出口收入依照有着30年历史的官方汇率1美元兑6缅元被纳入预算,但黑市汇率已达到1美元兑1000缅元。

    Gas revenues are added to the budget at the 30-year-old official exchange rate of six kyat to the dollar , while the black market rate is about 1000 kyat .

  5. 这与多数阿根廷人所用的黑市汇率仍有一定差距。自今年初以来,比索黑市汇率已下跌了20%,跌至昨日的约1美元兑12.85比索的水平。

    That is still at some distance from the black market rate that most Argentines use , which has weakened 20 per cent since the start of the year to stand at about 12.85 to the dollar yesterday .

  6. 黑市价格在官方汇率的60%至80%之间波动。

    Black market prices fluctuated between 60 and 80 per cent of the official exchange rate .