
  • 网络on capital
  1. 《资本论》中人的发展理论具有重要的现实意义。

    The theory in On Capital has an important realistic significance .

  2. 《资本论》第1卷德文第1版中“公有制”范畴本意为“共同所有”;

    The conceptual meaning of " public ownership " in the 1st German edition of Volume 1 of " On Capital " is " common ownership " .

  3. 皮凯蒂2013年出版的700页的《21世纪资本论》(CapitalintheTwenty-FirstCentury)意外成为畅销书,该书的成功让他卷入了长达一年的媒体旋风。

    The success of Piketty 's bookCapital in the Twenty-First Century ( 2013 ) , a surprise 700-page bestseller , threw him into a year-long media whirlwind .

  4. 一部长篇经济学作品能赢得大量关注可不是件常见的事。不过现在,许多人都知道了法国经济学家托马斯o皮凯蒂的著作《21世纪资本论》(CapitalintheTwenty-FirstCentury)。这本685页的著作出人意料地成为了畅销书。

    It 's not often that a lengthy economics book gets very much attention , but by now , many have heard of French economist Thomas Piketty 's Capital in the Twenty-First Century.The 685-page book has unexpectedly become a bestseller ;

  5. 但在他发表《资本论》(DasKapital)之后,这个词开始用来描述让工业革命变得可能的企业组织体系。

    But after the publication of Das Kapital , the term came to describe the system of business organisation which had made the industrial revolution possible .

  6. 他认为,法文版《21世纪资本论》起到了诱导那些批评人士的作用,这帮助英文版发行时将该书推至亚马逊(Amazon)畅销书排行榜首位,并持续三周时间。

    The French version of the book acted as a teaser to those critics , he believes , helping propel it to the top of Amazon 's bestseller list for three weeks when it was released in English .

  7. 法国经济学家今年已经风头很劲:托马·皮克提(ThomasPiketty)的作品《二十一世纪资本论》(CapitalintheTwenty-FirstCentury)六个月前翻译成了英文后,立即成为了畅销书。

    It added to an already prominent year for French economists , as seen from Thomas Piketty 's book , " Capital in the Twenty-First Century , " which became an immediate best-seller when translated into English six months ago .

  8. 2006新资本论10大经济要素之变

    2006 New Capitalism & The Transformation of 10 Key Economical Factors

  9. 论《资本论》辩证发展观的特性

    On the Characteristic of Dialectical Development Outlook Embodied in The Capital

  10. 夏洛克又是《资本论》中经常出现的另一个文学人物。

    Shylock is another literary character frequently showing up in Capital .

  11. 人力资本论中的劳工迁移观分析

    An Analysis of Labor Migration in " Human Capital Theory "

  12. 《资本论》也是文学家和文学青年的适宜读物。

    Capital is a suitable book for writers and literary youth .

  13. 马克思在《资本论》中进一步揭示了许多重要的美学原理。

    Marx reveals further many important principles of aesthetics in Capital .

  14. 社会需要范畴是《资本论》中的一个重要范畴。

    Social demand is a very important category in Marx n Capital ?

  15. 《资本论》与经济利益关系

    《 Das Kapital 》 and The Relationship of Economic Interests

  16. 《资本论》中蕴藏着十分丰富的哲学思想。

    Besides this Capital embodies a wealth of philosophical thoughts .

  17. 世界历史与资本主义&《资本论》语境中的世界历史思想

    The Concept and History of Realism World History and Capitalism

  18. 这个时期以《资本论》为代表。

    This period of " Capital " as the representative .

  19. 马克思的《资本论》及其经济学手稿

    Marx 's On the Capital & His Manuscript on Economics

  20. 论《资本论》经济理论体系的现代性和包容性

    On the Modernity and Toleration of Economic Theory System in Das Kapital

  21. 《资本论》的结构艺术与马克思的美学实践

    The Artistic Structure of Marx 's Capital and his Aesthetics

  22. 《资本论》中的法学理论与社会主义经济管理

    The Theory of Law and Socialist Economic Management in " CAPITAL "

  23. 互换的理论基础:长期负债视同资本论;

    The theoretical basis of swap : regarding long-term liability as capital ;

  24. 《资本论》农业思想对新农村建设的启示

    Agricultural Thoughts of Das Capital and the Enlightenment for New Rural Construction

  25. 《资本论》的穷人经济学解读

    Explanation on the Economics of Poor People in Das Kapital

  26. 对于国内剥削马克思在《资本论》中已经进行了详尽的分析。

    Marx has given a detailed analysis on domestic exploitation in Capital .

  27. 《资本论》第二稿的写作阶段和思想进程

    Writing Stage of Capital Second Script and the Proceeding of Its Thinking

  28. 法治构造论道德资本论

    On the Inner Structure of the Rule of Law Moral Capital Theory

  29. 道德资本论论少数民族人名

    Moral Capital Theory On the Names of the Ethnic Minorities

  30. 道德资本论论市场价值的决定

    Moral Capital Theory On the Decision about the Market Value