- Day and night;nychthemeron;nycthemeron

The daily amount of released CO 2 changes regularly because it is mainly controlled by temperature change .
The freguency of monocyte pollen grain in a day and night has relation to the length of anther , it 's 3 ~ 4mm > 4 ~+ 5mm .
This study examines the circadian rhythm changes of growing rats condylar endogenous PGE2 of stroke assessed every 4 hours for 24 hours by RIA ( radio immunoassary ) on the condylar growth and adaptation during the mandibular retractive force .
The period from the finish of treatment to plant flowering was shorter .
The whole group worked round the clock to complete the order on time .
He worked round the clock yesterday .
Collectively , these cycles are known as circadian rhythms and are generally tied to the24-hour day-night cycle .
The amount of honeydew excretion is influenced by the rhythm of day and night and by temperature .
The diurnal change of water potential and water content of roots at dry side opposed to the transpiration .
The24 hours calendar can be used to schedule resources and tasks for different shifts around the clock , or to schedule equipment resources continuously .
Iago . 'Tis evermore the prologue to his sleep : He 'll watch the horologe a double set , If drink rock not his cradle .
A whole set of signs that recorded within day and night will be shown the dynamic distribution of the animal 's oxygen consumption through that period .
The days and nights of Venus are59 days each , that is to say , a day and night of Venus corresponds to117 days of the earth .
He died before Sakyamuni and ascended to the adytum of Tusita heaven as the following Bodhisattva , where a day equals four hundred years of the our world .
The whole group worked round the clock to complete the order on time . This amount of business can be done only because the money involved is transferred by means of checks .
The carrying capacity all day of every device probable adapt to traffic flow of the device undertake , but it still display tension and lack of capacity in different periods , meanwhile the interaction and impact of different devices make the carrying capacity much more complex .
On a diurnal flux basis , the average GHG emission over two time intervals of 9:00-10:00 AM and 16:00-17:00 PM can be representative for the diurnal period in plant growing season .
Circadian sleep - waking patterns in the rabbit-an electrophysiological and behavioral study
The researchers say this observation suggests that external information , such as irregular light or the sound of other roosters , can weaken a rooster 's Circadian rhythm .
How Its Internal Clock Is Read , Knows Reindeer Humans are pegged to a 24-hour cycle . We 're locked into it not just by day and night & there 's the master timepiece in the brain called the circadian clock .
Change of value of plasma 17 β - E2 on blue peacock has a regular rhythm during day and night .
The feed intake and water intake of Mongolia sheep and palatability indices of various plants grazed by the sheep were measured .
Moving the time ahead an hour does a number on circadian rhythms , particularly in the days immediately after the change when the sun still comes up around the same time .
Mr. Larson said that by some estimates , with the default encryption scheme that Apple uses , " you 'd have to have a supercomputer crunching day and night for years to be able to unlock a single computer . "
A model of venturous revenue for diel vertical migration ( DVM ) of zooplankton is developed , which is motivated by zooplankter chasing the maximum value of venturous revenue , i.e. , cropping as much food at as less cost of mortality as possible .
Within a 24-hour rhythm the first 2 hours , after starting work is the psychologically psychologically high risk period for the workers at a young age , with low literacy , and of low degree of seniority are more likely to have fatal accidents .
Circadian rhythm is one of all kinds of the time rhythm which concluded by the ancients , aggravation or reducing of various diseases is according to the rule in a day and night .
Yearning is a kind of eternity like a light burning day and night shining in your flowing thought .
The sphere is mounted by its poles ( corresponding to the celestial poles ) on a metal axis , and can rotate around it .