
  • 网络once;Once In A Lifetime;One Time;Once in a Life Time
  1. 与熟人握手一生一次就足够了。

    With acquaintances once in a lifetime is often considered enough .

  2. 这种强烈的方面只能被认为是“一生一次”-使用它们!

    Aspects this strong can only be considered " once in a lifetime " - use them !

  3. 在乌干达和卢旺达享受一生一次的野生大猩猩的考察活动。

    Enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime mountain gorilla safari in Uganda and Rwanda .

  4. 京晶:所以,这就是一生一次的机会了。

    Ah , so this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity .

  5. 这是一件一生一次的事为女演员的荣誉。

    This is an honour that is a once-in-a-lifetime thing for an actress .

  6. 在体验这项一生一次、令人激动不已的冒险时,可别忘了观赏这座惊人的地标哦。

    Take in the view of this amazing landmark while experiencing a once-in-a-lifetime , action-packed adventure .

  7. 现任苏格兰政府认为本次公投是一生一次的机会。

    It is the view of the current Scottish Government that a referendum is a once-in-a-generation opportunity .

  8. 对大多数女性来说,这是一生一次的经历,她们想体验这一刻。

    It 's an once-in-a-lifetime experience for most women , and they want to savour the moment .

  9. 那是一生一次的机会,但我会离家很远。

    It was the chance of a lifetime , but of course I would be thousands of miles from home .

  10. 更夫摇着他的提灯,跟他身边的影子一起走着,他一生一次都没有上床去过。

    The watchman swings his lantern and walks with his shadow at his side , and never once goes to bed in his life .

  11. 一生一次的机会来到眼前,让你能拥有你想要的一切,你会抓住它?还是放弃?

    If you had one shot , or one opportunity , to seize everything you ever wanted , you capture it , or just let it slip ?

  12. 2009年的这次相遇,无疑是宇宙带给我们的一生一次的礼物,你会被鼓励去畅所欲言。

    This meeting of these planets in2009 is truly a once in a lifetime gift from the universe , and you will be encouraged to freely express your ideas .

  13. 在死海上漂浮被誉为一生一次的经历,但考虑到海边的旅馆太多了,我没去那里。

    Floating in the dead sea is reputed to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience but I for one shall not be visiting , given the plethora of hotels on its shores .

  14. 在清迈,你会有很多机会徒步走进小山,探索丛林、瀑布,造访当地山地部落,或体验一生一次乘竹筏和骑大象的乐趣。

    There you can find many opportunities to trek into the hills , explore jungles and waterfalls , visit the hill tribes of the area , or experience the once-in-a-lifetime pleasures of bamboo-rafting or elephant-riding .

  15. 朋友和成功的商业顾问给我的一致建议是:这将是一生仅有一次的机会和经历,但为了让全部投资有价值并拓展我的领导能力,我必须参加顶级mba课程。

    Friends and accomplished business advisers gave me unanimous advice : this would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and experience , but to make it worth the overall investment and to stretch my leadership abilities I would have to join a top MBA programme .

  16. 一般认为,与相识的人握手,一生中一次就够了。

    This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime .

  17. 这样的时机一生只有一次。

    This kind of offer only comes once in a lifetime .

  18. 一生只有一次,不会再来。

    It only happens once in a lifetime , never twice .

  19. 这是我一生中一次突然的可怕的变故。

    This was a sudden and terrible change in my life .

  20. 一生只有一次,月亮是蓝色的。

    Once in my life , The moon is blue .

  21. 他们没有推行欧元成员国身份所要求的改革,而是享受着一生仅有一次的派对。

    Rather than the reforms membership requires , they enjoyed a once-in-a-lifetime party .

  22. 我只说这一次,我以前从未说过,这种肯定,一生只有一次。

    But this kind of certainly comes but just once in a lifetime .

  23. 它就象是她自己一生的一次排演,生动逼真得可怕。

    It seemed like a rehearsal of her own life , terrible in its vividness .

  24. 如果我们一生只有一次寻找快乐的机会,格洛丽亚。

    Lf we only get one chance for happiness in our entire lives , gloria .

  25. 真爱一生只有一次。

    True love happens once in life .

  26. 这种事情可不是经常有的,是一生只有一次的机会!

    It doesn 't happen every day ! It 's a once in a lifetime chance !

  27. 给了我们一生唯一一次的机会。

    Giving us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity .

  28. 你所拥有的不是“一生难得一次的机会”,而是跨越今生的机会。

    It 's more than " the opportunity of a lifetime "; God offers you an opportunity beyond your lifetime .

  29. 定做婚纱礼服可能是一件比较麻烦的事情,但一生只此一次,所以新人们要注意啦。

    Customized wedding dress is probably a more troublesome things , but only this once , so the new people to pay attention to it .

  30. 这让我兴奋不已,因为卡夫拥有令人羡慕的食品和饮料产品,而我将有机会改变公司的营销方式,这是一生难得一次的机遇。

    I couldn 't be more thrilled with this once-in-a-lifetime chance to change how a company with an enviable portfolio of food and beverages approaches marketing .