
yī bān rén
  • people in general;ordinary person
  1. 你也很容易喜欢上一般人。

    You 're a great deal too apt to like people in general .

  2. 我所说的是一般人。

    I am speaking of people in general .

  3. 那名士兵当时以军人的身份行事,而不是以一般人的身份。

    The soldier acted qua soldier , not as a human being .

  4. 有些申请表格一般人可能看不懂。

    Some application forms can be incomprehensible to ordinary people .

  5. 一般人的看法似乎认为她会被判有罪。

    The prevailing view seems to be that they will find her guilty .

  6. 我确信他比一般人聪明。

    I was convinced that he was brighter than average .

  7. 一般人认为有压力的事情在他看来却是快乐无比的事。

    What normal people considered pressure was meat and drink to him .

  8. 总统跟一般人没有什么不同;他们也是人。

    Presidents are not any different from anybody else ; they 're human beings .

  9. 他的工作习惯跟一般人很不一样,喜欢通宵工作。

    He had rather unconventional work habits , preferring to work through the night .

  10. 这个价格是平时的10倍,一般人根本买不起。

    The price is ten times what it normally is and totally beyond the reach of ordinary people .

  11. 论手巧,一般人都不如她。

    Few can equal [ compare with ] her in manual dexterity .

  12. 这是一般人的心理。

    This is how ordinary people feel about it .

  13. 他换上了一般人穿的灰色棉衬衫。

    He changed into the anonymous costume of grey cotton shirt .

  14. 这个男孩子的举止与一般人不同。

    The boy 's behavior deviates from the usual pattern .

  15. 这些术语一般人是不懂的。

    The terms were unintelligible to ordinary folk .

  16. 一般人每天会打开手机150次。

    The average person turns on their phone 150 times every day .

  17. 一般人不会去研究他们最喜欢的日历软件是否适合他们的冰箱,或者他们的洗衣机是否和平板电脑兼容。

    No average person wants to figure out whether their favorite calendar software works with their fridge or whether their washing machine and tablet get along .

  18. 一般人并不赞成这个理论

    It is not a theory that is commonly subscribed to .

  19. 写东西给一般人看时,应避免使用电脑术语。

    Avoid computer jargon when you write for laymen .

  20. Underbrag就是拿自己经历的灾难性事件或尴尬事件四处传播,一般人都不会拿这些事儿到处说。其实就是“自黑”。

    Underbrag is when you brag1 your own disaster or situation that one would not normally brag about .

  21. 严重之时。一般人都看到我在经脉上穿针管来放血、在皮肤上敷药等大手术,所以以为我的医术高明,名气因此响遍全国。”

    As for me , I treat a disease when it is already well developed and very serious . People observe me perform bloodletting by injecting tubes into vessels3 or applying medical ointment4 on the skin , and thus look upon me as well versed5 in medicine . So I have become well known all over the country . "

  22. GPS或全球定位系统正在变得越来越并提供给一般人。

    GPS or Global Positioning Systems are becoming more and available to the average person .

  23. 我花了大力气让iPad适应我的日常使用习惯,而一般人不太可能投入这么多时间。

    I have forced the iPad to fit into my life . The average person is less likely to invest that kind of time .

  24. 在中国大陆一般人喜欢使用QQ作为聊天的工具,实在不行,你在请别人给你的电脑上安装MSN,你就可以看到我的留言了!

    Like to use QQ as the tool of the chat at Chinese mainland ordinary people , don 't go really , you install MSN on inviting other people to your computer , you can see me leave a message !

  25. 一般人看这部电影没有不掉眼泪的。

    No normal person could watch this film with dry eyes .

  26. 你今天受的伤能将一般人置于死地。

    The woundd you dudtained today would 've felled ordinary people .

  27. 一般人只是活着,只是顺流而下。

    Ordinary man always lives , just going with the flow .

  28. 我国个人破产的范围应顺应国际潮流采用一般人破产主义。

    We should follow the international trend and adopt everyman-bankruptcy system .

  29. 一般人相信十三日星期五是不吉利的日子。

    Friday the thirteenth is believed to be an unlucky day .

  30. 你不会像一般人那样稳定与顽固。

    You are not as fixed or stubborn as many people .