
  • 网络Ding Lei;William Ding
  1. 该公司首席执行长丁磊(WilliamDing)在上周的电话会议上说,公司正在努力,以求尽快把《巫妖王之怒》提交给政府审批。

    William Ding , chief executive of NetEase , said in a conference call last week that the company is working hard to submit'Wrath of the Lich King'for government review as soon as possible .

  2. 2011年,中国游戏公司网易(NetEase)创始人丁磊(WilliamDing)开设了一家养猪场,并开始在线销售猪肉,购买者可用兑换券支付。网易是《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)在中国的运营商。

    William Ding , founder of NetEase , the Chinese gaming company that operates World of Warcraft in the territory , opened a pig farm in 2011 and began selling pork online in exchange for vouchers .

  3. 丁磊甚至透露,网易已经开始储备相应技术。

    Ding even revealed that NetEase already started reservation of related technology .

  4. 不管其动机如何,丁磊的计划已在中国引起了极大关注,尤其是在互联网上。

    Whatever the motivations , Ding 's plans have drawn considerable interest in China , especially online .

  5. 这种可能性比较小,因为丁磊和张朝阳都拥有公司很多的股份,同时他们都有比较强的个性。

    This possibility is slim as both WilliamDing and Charles Zhang have large stakes in their companies and they both have strong personalities .

  6. 去年名列该榜单首位的丁磊今年则以50亿元的身价排名第七位。

    The first name of the report for last year was Ding Lei , whose ranking dropped to the seventh with personal wealth of5 billion RMB this year .

  7. 九年前,中国游戏公司网易的首席执行官丁磊开设了一个养猪场,以其农业品牌味央饲养非转基因黑猪。

    Nine years ago , William Ding , CEO of Chinese gaming company NetEase , opened a pig farm raising non-GMO black hogs under its agricultural brand Weiyang .

  8. 但他也表示,通过让网络充分发挥作用,丁磊也提醒了其他企业家,应多关注农业,多投资农业。

    But he added , 'through the application of the Internet , Ding Lei does remind other entrepreneurs to pay attention and invest more in the agricultural industry . '

  9. 作为领先的互联网公司,网易公司以其开放性和开拓在线教育市场的决心而闻名。网易公司创始人和首席执行官丁磊说。

    As a leading internet company , NetEase has been known for its openness and commitment to exploring the field of online education , said NetEase Founder and CEO Ding Lei .

  10. 据中国媒体报导,丁磊说,他们是在考虑了口感和体型大小等各种因素后决定引进这种猪的。

    According to Chinese media , Ding said they 've made the decision on this pig species after examining various factors , from general taste to the size of the animals .

  11. 名人就是名人,丁磊养猪一下子让网易成为各路中外媒体长枪短炮的追逐目标。

    Celebrity is celebrity , the angle target that Ding Lei raises a pig to let Netease become short artillery piece of spear of media of each China and foreign countries at a draught .

  12. 身为中国最大互联网企业家之一的丁磊今年宣布,他计划投资建设猪场,并通过互联网向潜在客户宣传其养猪计划。

    Ding Lei , one of China 's top internet entrepreneurs , announced this year that he planned to invest in pig farms and broadcast his pigs ' development to prospective consumers over the internet .

  13. 丁磊在接受专访时不时对《天下贰》赞不绝口,同时他认为这款游戏符合了绿色游戏的标准。

    Ding Lei is accepting a special interview to be opposite from time to time " the world two " be profuse in praise , at the same time he thinks this game accorded with the standard of green game .