
  • 网络Three Letters;three books
  1. 婚姻过程中的普遍认可的必不可少的是“三书六礼”。

    Essential to the marriage process were the commonly recognized " three Letters and six etiquettes . "

  2. 遵循三书六礼的基本原则在过去是非常重要的。

    It was very important to follow a basic principle of the Three Letters and Six Etiquettes in the past .

  3. 第二章主要研究唐代三书产生的背景。

    In the second chapter , we mainly research the background of three dictionaries .

  4. 本文主要从七个方面对唐代“三书”中的俗字类型进行梳理。

    This paper sort out and analyze seven types of nonstandard forms of characters .

  5. 20世纪汉字结构类型理论的新发展&以三书说和新六书说为例

    The New Development in The Theory of The Type of Chinese Characters Structure in The 20th Century

  6. 遵循“三书六礼”的基本原则在过去是非常重要的。

    It was very important to follow a basic principle of the " Three Letters and Six Etiquettes " in the past .

  7. 总之,深入研究唐代三书的俗字是研究近代文字的起点;

    In short , the study on nonstandard forms of characters in three dictionaries in the Tang Dynasty is a starting point for studying modern characters .

  8. “三书”包括聘书、礼书和迎书。聘书是订婚的重要文书,是结婚必需的。

    The " Three Letters " include the Betrothal letter , Gift Letter and Wedding Letter.The Betrothal Letter is the formal document of the engagement , a must in a marriage .

  9. 三书是订婚信、礼单和新郎去他的新娘家迎娶那一天用的婚书。

    The three letters were the betrothal letter , the gift letter with a gifts list and the wedding letter used on the day the bridegroom met his bride at her home .

  10. 他在全面分析了上古文字的构造和演化之后,批判了传统的六书说,提出了关于汉字构造的新的理论&三书说。

    After overall analyzing on the formation and evolvement of ancient writing , he animadverts on the traditional theory in " LiuShu " and puts forward a new theory on the formation of Chinese - " San Shu " .

  11. 研究唐代三书的俗字,可以了解唐代的用字情况,也可以在一定程度上扭转汉语文字学研究头重脚轻的不良局面,从而建立完整的汉语文字学体系。

    Knowing the situation about usage of characters in the Tang Dynasty , we can reverse the bad situation which is top-heavy and unsteady in the research of Chinese philology to some extent , so as to establish an integrated system of Chinese philology .