
  • 网络the Sanxingdui Ruins Site;Sanxingdui
  1. 国家文物局3月20日在成都宣布,考古人员在四川省三星堆遗址新发现6座“祭祀坑”,目前已出土文物500余件,距今约3000年。

    Archaeologists have found six new sacrificial pits and unearthed more than 500 items dating back about 3000 years at the Sanxingdui Ruins in Sichuan province , the National Cultural Heritage Administration announced on March 20 in Chengdu .

  2. 这个金沙遗址虽然不包含有三星堆遗址中出土的青铜器,但是在里面发现了一个金皇冠,上面雕刻有鱼,弓箭和鸟,这与三星堆中发现的金物体相似,Keller说。

    TheJinsha site , though it contained none of the impressive bronzes of Sanxingdui , did have a gold crown with a similar engraved motif of fish , arrows and birdsas a golden staff found at Sanxingdui , Keller said .

  3. 3月20日,“考古中国”重大项目工作进展会在成都举行,通报了四川广汉三星堆遗址重要考古发现与研究成果。考古学家宣布,四川广汉三星堆遗址新发现的6座三星堆文化“祭祀坑”中已出土500余件文物。

    Chinese archaeologists announced the discovery of over 500 cultural relics at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan , Sichuan province .

  4. 自今年3月以来,考古学家已经在三星堆遗址发现了近10000件文物。

    Archaeologists have already found nearly 10000 artifacts at the Sanxingdui Ruins since March .

  5. 今年三月,三星堆遗址被指定为中国青年科教基地。

    Sanxingdui was named the Scientific Education Base for China 's Youth in March this year .

  6. 然而三星堆遗址12平方公里总面积中,至今仅有4平方公里被开发。

    But still , only four of the Sanxingdui Ruins '12 square kilometres have been uncovered .

  7. 这一结论本身又可以进一步对三星堆遗址坑的古蜀文化定性认识构成支持。

    Such a conclusion lends support to the verification of the ruins of Sanxingdui culture as part of ancient Shu culture .

  8. 三星堆遗址属全国重点文物保护单位,是中国西南地区的青铜时代遗址。

    Sanxingdui Ruins is a key national heritage conservation units , is China 's southwestern region of the Bronze Age sites .

  9. 今天,考古学家公布了他们在四川三星堆遗址新发现的6个祭祀坑中的主要考古成果。

    Archaeologists today released their major findings at six newly found sacrificial pits at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Sichuan province .

  10. 无独有偶,被史学家誉为“世界第九奇迹”的三星堆遗址也是四川省一位农民发现的。

    Or , the Sanxingdui Ruins , known by historians as the " Ninth Wonder of the World ", were discovered in Sichuan Province by a farmer .

  11. 而三星堆遗址出土器物上的刻符则是中国文字曾经传人印度河谷地带的有力证明。

    Moreover , the engraved symbols on utensils unearthed at Sanxingdui are the strong proof that Cinese characters have once been spread to the Indian River Valley area .

  12. 第二谜,三星堆遗址居民的族属为何?目前有氐羌说、濮人说、巴人说、东夷说、越人说等不同看法。

    The second mystery , the Sanxingdui ruins of the family are residents of the » There are currently Diqiang , Pu said , Palestinians said , Dongyi said , the more people say that different views .

  13. 一个以三星堆古遗址为主题的活动将于今天在四川省广汉市举行。

    An event themed on the ancient Sanxingdui Ruins will be held today in Guanghan , Sichuan Province .

  14. 三星堆考古遗址现在被认为是中国古代一个大型城市的旧址,这座城市位于古代四川一带,距今已经4800多年。

    Sanxingdui is an archaeological site now believed to be the site of a major ancient Chinese city existing 4800 years ago in what is now Sichuan province .