
sān jiǎo jià
  • tripod;tripod leg;trivet;derrick crane;brandreth;brandrith
三脚架 [sān jiǎo jià]
  • (1) [tripod;derrick crane]

  • (2) 用来支持便携式仪器(如照相机)的三脚支架,它的三条腿常可以伸缩,在顶部有一个和三条腿相连的小平台

  • (3) 设置在田里用来晒干草的三脚支架

  • (4) [trivet]∶通常有三条腿的架子(如搁在火上放水壶等用)

三脚架[sān jiǎo jià]
  1. 三脚架也可以让你在晚上长时间曝光。

    A tripod also lets you shoot long exposures at night .

  2. 相机固定在一个坚固的三脚架上。

    The camera was mounted on a sturdy tripod .

  3. 潜步跟踪目标时,用三脚架是不切实际的。

    When stalking subjects , a tripod is impractical

  4. 标准尺寸的三脚架可能会不便于使用,用于拍摄低角度的物体时尤其如此。

    Full-size tripods can be awkward , especially if you 're shooting a low-level subject .

  5. 摄影师们架好了三脚架。

    Cameramen readied tripods .

  6. Fe(Ⅱ)三脚架多咪唑配合物的合成与性质表征

    Synthesis and properties of a Fe (ⅱ) complex formed with tripodal polyimidazole ligands

  7. 三脚架型稀土配合物的~1HNMR研究

    ~ 1h NMR studies on the lanthanide complexes of tripodal ligand

  8. James在照相,因为可以看到他的三脚架从他的包里伸出来了。

    James is taking photos as his tripod can be seen sticking out of his bag .

  9. 三脚架多齿胺Mn(II)、Ni(II)配合物仿酶性能研究

    Study on the Enzyme Models of Mn ( II ), Ni ( II ) Complexes with Tripodal Polydentate Amine Ligands

  10. 通过对工程实例的分析,揭示了电力线对GPS测量产生影响的一个因素,即三脚架的绝缘性。

    Through analyzing the engineering example , this paper reveals one factor of electric power line 's influencing the GPS measurement : the insulating property of the tripod .

  11. 考拉的自拍神器是索尼QX100相机,这部相机的镜头位于一个爪状的移动三脚架上面,通过Wi-Fi和手机连接。

    The koalas used the Sony QX100 , which has a lens on a movable tripod claw , which connects to your mobile phone via Wi-Fi .

  12. 报道了以三脚架化合物1,1,1三(N甲基N苯基氨基羰甲氧甲基)丙烷(TMPP)为载体的钙离子选择电极的研制;

    A novel calcium ion selective electrode based on a tripodal compound 1,1,1 _ tris ( N _ methyl _ N _ phenylaminocarbonylmethoxymethyl ) propane ( TMPP ) as an ionophore was prepared .

  13. 当时我将相机安置在三脚架上,曝光时间是5秒,f10。照片拍摄出来后,我只是调整了一下水平度做了一下剪切。

    The camera was mounted on a tripod , exposures made with a cable release for5 seconds at f10 .

  14. 之前我从TSZ的大师们身上学习摄影并得到了信心,于是这次我带着我相机和三脚架来到这里,用来记录我对巴斯的印象。

    This time , learnt from the TSZ masters and gaining confident , I brought my camera and tripods here , to record my impressions .

  15. 我回家后发现我的三脚架丢了

    When I got home I-I realized I lost my tripod .

  16. 有乐趣、有三脚架的一个人和照相机。

    Having fun , one person with a tripod and camera .

  17. 让我们带上相机的三脚架。

    Let 's take the camera of the tripod , though .

  18. 酰胺型三脚架化合物作为离子选择性电极载体的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Amido Tripodal Compound as Ionophores for Cations-selective Electrodes

  19. 你可以用丛林中的藤蔓植物将三脚架绑在一起。

    You can use jungle vines to tie your tripods together .

  20. 三脚架的每根脚都延伸到地下三十英尺

    Each leg of this tripod goes down about 30 feet ,

  21. 含吡啶基三脚架配体-金属配合物的结构和性质

    Structures and Properties of Metal Complexes with Pyridine-Containing Tripodal Ligands

  22. 你听过什麽叫做三脚架和自拍器没?

    Have you heard of something called Tripod and Timer ?

  23. 这一台附有免费的三脚架和携带箱。

    This one comes with a free tripod and a carrying case .

  24. 你让我去甩掉一个三脚架!你这个三八!

    You let me dump a tripod ? You bitch !

  25. 三脚架型配体镁(Ⅱ)配合物的合成及其晶体结构

    Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Magnesium (ⅱ) Complex of Novel Tripodal Ligand

  26. 我把三脚架在凉水中。

    I used a tripod standing in cold water .

  27. 把相机放到三脚架上试试。

    Let me put the camera on a tripod .

  28. 三脚架型配体、配合物的合成及荧光性质

    Synthesis of a tripod-type ligand and fluorescence properties of its rare earth complexes

  29. 以碳原子为中心的三脚架结构化合物;

    Tripodal compounds with carbon atom at their centers ;

  30. 三脚架结构的多二茂铁基化合物的晶体结构和电化学性质

    Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Property of Tripodal Multi-ferrocenyl Compound