
  1. 该交易所计划要求,通过合并一家私有运营集团与一个公开上市壳公司而创建的公司,只有在场外市场或另一个交易所交易至少6个月后,才能在纳斯达克上市。

    The exchange plans to require that a company created through the merger of a private operating group with a publicly listed shell can only list on Nasdaq after having traded over-the-counter or on another exchange for at least six months .

  2. 近年来,通过购买已经上市的壳公司,数百家中国公司在北美证交所上市,由此避开首次公开上市(ipo)面临的严格审查。

    Hundreds of Chinese companies joined North American bourses in recent years by acquiring shell companies that were already listed , allowing them to bypass the scrutiny of an initial public offering .

  3. 买壳上市中壳公司估价研究

    A study of value assessment of the Shell Company

  4. 许多中国公司通过收购已公开上市的壳公司而在美国上市。

    Many Chinese companies slipped into US stock exchanges by acquiring shell companies that were already publicly traded .

  5. 很有发展远景并急切召募资金的非上市公司买下一个通常没有经营能力和拥有有限资产的已上市的壳公司。

    The private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company , usually one with no business and limited assets .

  6. 这是一种完全合法的程序,通过该程序,一家业务全部在海外的公司,可与现有已经上市的美国壳公司合并,最后通过将股票出售给美国投资者成功融得资金。

    This perfectly legal procedure allows a company with all its operations abroad to merge with an existing publicly traded US shell company and eventually raise money by selling shares to American investors .