
  1. 你必须放了你弟弟,没他我做不成事。

    You must release your brother . I cannot do without him .

  2. 现如今你要是没有钱在后边撑着,就办不成事。

    You can 't set up a business nowadays without money behind you .

  3. 西班牙海黑衣侠盗说,无火不成事。

    The Black Avenger of the Spanish Main said it would never do to start without some fire .

  4. 人就是因为怕这怕那的才做不成事。

    It 's the fear of what comes after the doing that makes the doing hard to do .

  5. 这个地方我反复对你提起过,没有你我办不成事。

    This is the place I 've been telling you about , and I can 't do it without you .

  6. 熟识一小群人,或者与众多人士只进行过表面上的肤浅接触,都是办不成事的。

    Knowing a small group of folks very well , or a huge smattering of contacts superficially , just won 't cut it .

  7. 生活中,有的人就像富和尚一样拥有的东西太多,需要的东西太多,什么都多,结果什么都那么麻烦了,反而做不成事了。

    In everyday 's life , someone is just like the rich monk who owns and needs so many things ; everything for him is not enough and as a result nothing else would be done .

  8. 这么用表明你清楚你正在说的东西不足以成事。

    It shows you know what you are saying is inadequate .

  9. 但是,只靠美国孤军奋战是不足以成事的。

    But , on its own , the US effort is not enough .

  10. 仅靠管理能力显然不足以成事。

    Managerial competence will simply not suffice .