
zhuān lì zhì dù
  • patent system;system of patent
  1. TRIPs协议的药品专利制度与中药专利保护

    On the Medicine Patent System and the Traditional Chinese Traditional Medicine Patent Protection in TRIPs Agreement

  2. 这座支柱就是美国的专利制度,正是它让苹果(Apple)得以从三星(Samsung)获取所谓盗窃知识产权的10亿美元赔偿金。

    That pillar is the US patent system , which has allowed Apple to extract $ 1bn from Samsung in compensation for alleged theft of intellectual property .

  3. TRIPS将进一步加强技术拥有者在技术供应方面的全球垄断地位,专利制度就要将这种技术的优势转化成为市场垄断权。

    Trips will further strengthen the global monopoly position for technology owner in the-technical supply aspect , patent system will transfer this kind of technical advantage into market monopoly right .

  4. 尽管文章认为中国专利制度并非朝向有利于中国公司的方向进行构建,但它表示最近“相对不知名的中国公司对苹果、三星(Samsung)和戴尔(Dell)等著名外国科技公司提起了大量广受关注的专利诉讼”。

    While the paper found that China 's patent system was not structured to benefit Chinese companies , it said there had been a number of recent " high-profile patent suits filed by relatively unknown Chinese firms against high-profile foreign tech companies like Apple , Samsung and Dell . "

  5. 著名的联邦法官RichardPosner,一个对美国专利制度的直言不讳的批评者,甚至建议国家的专利和商标局被赋予听证专利纠纷的工作以及处理更广范围工作的足够资源。

    A well-known federal judge , Richard Posner , an outspoken critic of America 's patent system , has even suggested that the country 's Patent and Trademark Office be given the job of hearing patent disputes-and sufficient resources to handle a wider remit .

  6. 激励论是专利制度正当性的一种十分重要的理论。

    Encouragement Theory is an important theory of proper patent institution .

  7. 入世后中国专利制度发展研究

    The Developing Research on the Patents System after China 's Entering WTO

  8. 专利制度与公有性规范在民营企业技术创新中的矛盾

    Conflict between Patent and Public Ownership in Technological Innovation of Private Enterprise

  9. 外观设计授权条件是外观设计专利制度中的核心内容,这种核心地位主要是该专利制度的特点决定的。我国外观设计专利授权标准的立法构想

    Legislation Conception of China 's Patent - Awarding Criteria for Industrial Design

  10. 一些观察人士认为,应该彻底废除专利制度。

    Some observers believe that the patent system should be abolished outright .

  11. 于是,专利制度中有限的例外情况便出现了。

    And then " limited exceptions " are appeared in patent system .

  12. 完善专利制度推进企业发展

    Perfecting Patent System to Promote the Development of Enterprises

  13. 专利制度对激励技术创新有十分重要的意义。

    Patent system is very important to technological innovation .

  14. 技术专利制度的经济效应分析

    Analysis of the Economic Effect of Technology Patent System

  15. 拟议中的全球专利制度研究

    Study on the Global Patent System in Setting up

  16. 这一节将笔墨的重点用在1624年之前专利制度的历史上。

    This section focus on the history of the patent system before 1624 .

  17. 专利制度与高校科技成果转化

    Patent System and the Transformation of University Technological Achievements

  18. 在专利制度中,各国都规定了具备怎样的发明创造才能被授予专利权。

    In the patent law , every country sets requirements for patent granted .

  19. 专利制度是保护技术创新的有效而成熟的制度,中药的专利保护理应特别受到重视。

    Patent system is an effective and mature system on protecting technical innovation .

  20. 技术商品技术市场专利制度

    Technology Commodity , Technology Market and Patent System

  21. 如果初始的专利制度保护很弱,则加强专利保护总是提高社会福利的。

    In a poor patent system , strengthening protection will definitely increase social welfare .

  22. 中国专利制度的建立与发展

    Establishment and development of china 's patent system

  23. 专利制度与重庆的大发展

    Implementing of Patent System and Development of Chongqing

  24. 论专利制度的刑法保护

    The Protection of Criminal Law on Patent Institution

  25. 在我国,专利制度的真正建立至今已超过20年。

    The patent system has been established more than 20 years in our country .

  26. 论专利制度的经济理性与预期绩效

    Economic Rationality Expected Utility of Patent System

  27. 论专利制度对创新的激励

    Motivation of the Patent System on Innovation

  28. 从保护中医药角度谈我国药品管理制度和专利制度

    Recognizing Drug Administration System and Patent System from View Point of Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection

  29. 修订的原因也包括借鉴发达国家专利制度的成功经验。

    The revision also refers to the successful experience of developed countries ' patent systems .

  30. 19世纪中后期,美国专利制度进入了一个新时期。

    The middle & later 19th centuries saw the new era of American patent system .