
zhuān lì biāo jì
  • patent mark
  1. (一)制造或者销售标有专利标记的非专利产品;

    Making or selling non-patented products which are affixed with patent marking ;

  2. 在此基础上,对我国专利犯罪的罪名体系与刑罚体系进行反思,提出应设置虚假专利标记罪、侵犯专利权罪与故意销售专利侵权品罪的设想。

    With this as the foundation , the authors reflects on the crime system and penalty system to patent crimes , and put forward the idea that our criminal law shall pr.

  3. (二)专利权被宣告无效后,继续在制造或者销售的产品上标注专利标记;

    Continuing to affix patent marking on the products that are made or sold after the patent right concerned has been declared invalid ;

  4. 第十五条专利权人有权在其专利产品或者该产品的包装上标明专利标记和专利号。

    Article l5 . The patentee has the right to affix a patent marking and to indicate the number of the patent on the patented product or on the packing of that product .