
  • 网络Business portfolio
  1. 第五部分制定了新的发展战略,运用SWOT分析、成功关键因素分析、波士顿业务组合分析法,提出企业的发展战略。

    The fifth part makes out a development strategy through SWOT analysis , Critical Success Factors Analysis and Boston Business Portfolio Analysis .

  2. sk电讯表示,该公司在调整其业务组合时,做出了出售联通股票的决定。

    Sk Telecom said it decided to sell the shares as it adjusted its business portfolio .

  3. 业务组合C的选择仅仅是在未来预期收入一定等假设条件下,对整体税负研究得出的税务筹划方案,公司最终业务组合的选择还应包括公司企业发展战略、资源整合能力等方面的考虑。

    Business Combination Item C is a revenue plan based on the comprehensive study of tax bearing and under the condition that the expecting income is certain . Business Combination should also consider the other infects including developing strategy , resources conformity ability , etc.

  4. 并给出IMS仿真部署架构,实现多媒体的业务组合和多终端的协同,给出运行结果。

    At last , the proposed architecture is deployed in IMS to realize the multimedia business combination and the cooperation of multi-terminal , then the implementation results are given .

  5. 曾当过扭亏顾问的安德鲁贾丁(AndrewJardine)也在做着同样的尝试。他以一家通过破产管理保全下来的仓储企业为基础构建业务组合。

    Attempting the same feat is Andrew Jardine , a former turnround consultant building a business portfolio out of a warehouse venture saved from receivership .

  6. 使用这个重新命名为ubmstudios的平台,以及专业公司设计的其它平台,使联合企业媒体开始明白,虚拟展会可以在其业务组合中扮演何种角色,以及如何才能成功举办展会。

    Using this platform , which it renamed UBM studios , and others designed by specialist firms , it has begun to learn what role virtual events can play in its portfolio and what makes a successful event .

  7. TMT已将干散货80%、石油及能源相关货运20%的业务组合颠倒过来。目前,该公司约80%的业务来自石油及其它能源相关产品运输。

    TMT has inverted its business mix of 80 per cent dry bulk to 20 per cent oil and energy-related shipping , with about 80 per cent of its business now coming from shipping oil and other energy-related products .

  8. 我们的客户,尤其是油气市场的客户,将受益于RutterHinz公司提供的更多的应用解决方案业务组合、专业知识以及交付能力。

    Customers will now benefit from the expanded portfolio of application solutions , expertise and delivery capacity that Rutter Hinz offers , particularly to the oil and gas market .

  9. 对NSH公司并购JSL厂并购的可行性方案进行了阐述,着重通过波士顿咨询集团的成长一份额矩阵和通用电气公司多因素业务组合矩阵对JSL厂的技术改造可行方案进行了研究;

    Thirdly , it states the feasibility schemes of NSH for its merger and acquisition of JSL , and analyzes the scheme of JSL by growth share matrix of BCG and combined matrix of several resources in GE .

  10. 最后,文章在上述客户群描述的基础上提出了针对各个客户群的业务组合和营销策略。

    Finally , this paper proposes the marketing strategies of each group .

  11. 汽车经销商业务组合决策研究

    A Study on the Decision about the Business Combination to the Automobile Dealer

  12. 为什么我们的政治与业务组合?

    And why shall we mix politics with business ?

  13. 他不断的扩展公司的业务组合,目前还包括了一家人寿保险公司。

    He keeps expanding his business portfolio , which now includes a life-insurance firm .

  14. 我们很高兴能通过收购该公司来增强我们的业务组合。

    We are delighted to be strengthening our portfolio through the addition of this company .

  15. 各业务组合的满意度中,呈现出随业务的增多而下降的趋势。

    The satisfaction of each business combination shows downward trend with the increase of business .

  16. 第四部分,确定了晨光公司的经营战略和对业务组合的安排;

    The fourth part tries to determine the generic strategies and the company 's business portfolio .

  17. 拆分的动力通常是一个业务组合遭到重大而持续的低估。

    The impetus for separation is usually a meaningful and persistent undervaluation of a portfolio of businesses .

  18. 因此,提供业务组合的业务平台架构成为实现融合的关键。

    Therefore , the business platform architecture that provides service combination is the key to achieve integration .

  19. 特纳生产的产品种类多样,因此有复杂的业务组合。

    Turners offers a wide range of products , and has a complex business mix as a result .

  20. 通过研究民用航空细分市场吸引力与公司内部竞争力,确定集团公司的愿景、使命与战略目标,分析了民航市场价值链切分中集团公司所做的业务组合选择。

    After a study of civil aviation market partition and internal competence the selection of business portfolio is then decided .

  21. 并且在相对不成熟的资本市场上企业可以通过多元化经营部分代替投资者来构造业务组合从而规避非系统性风险,从而多元化企业有着更高的市场价值。

    They may also create shareholder value by building business portfolio to reduce risk partly instead of investors in immature information-scarce market .

  22. 集团需要改变其业务组合,而开放式创新是最可行的方法之一。

    The group needs to change its portfolio , and open innovation is one of the most feasible ways to do that .

  23. 他还试图转变博世的业务组合,以降低集团对汽车业和欧洲市场的依赖程度。

    He is also trying to shift Bosch 's business mix to make the group less dependent on the automotive industry and on Europe .

  24. 本文所研究的业务组合战略是基于相关产业间的价值网的构造,使本文能够在指导实践方面具有一定的可行性和可操作性,为进一步的深入研究提供借鉴。

    This essay studies the structure of value network based on the business between related industries . It is feasible and practical in practice guidance .

  25. 相对而言,这只是阿里巴巴业务组合的很小一部分,不过这主要是因为阿里巴巴规模庞大。

    It is a small piece of Alibaba 's portfolio , relatively speaking , but that 's only because the company is such a behemoth .

  26. 基于最优脉冲控制的战略互补产品创新投资决策企业最优业务组合战略的一个理论廓清&以格兰仕为案例

    Investment decision making in technology innovation of strategic complementary product based on optimal impulse control ; Theoretic Clearing of the Best Business Portfolio of Corporate

  27. 美国证交会做出这一决定时,许多美国交易所正试图扩大它们的业务组合,准备将股票、期权和期货交易结合起来。

    It comes as many US exchanges are trying to expand the mix of their businesses towards a combination of equities , options and futures .

  28. 只有将目前单纯的比较优势转化为由技术、资源、业务组合、品牌、管理所交织而成的竞争优势,创造可持续利润才不会是句空话。

    It is the only way to transform the current comparable advantages into integrated competition advantages of technology , resource , business portfolio , brand and management .

  29. 他在评论重新平衡企业业务组合时说:“这一过程进展缓慢,但方向肯定没错。”

    In a comment about rebalancing the portfolio of activities , he says : " it is a process that goes slowly but surely in this direction . "

  30. 最后,对多元化经营战略的实施提出一个系统的对策建议,包括多元化行为决策、多元化方向选择及进入、多元化经营后的业务组合和风险防范等。

    Finally , systematic proposal is raised about how to operate it , including the decision of business diversification , the diversification orientation and the compose of professional work .