
  • 网络individual savings account;Personal Savings Account
  1. 约三分之一的英国人负责任地将钱存在免税个人储蓄账户(Isa)中。

    About one third of the UK population has responsibly tucked money away in tax-free individual savings accounts ( Isas ) .

  2. 所有者社会所提倡的个人储蓄账户,在危机中受到重创。

    Individual savings accounts , of the kind ownership society advocated , were devastated by the crash .

  3. 我有一个个人储蓄账户和一个公司来往账户。

    I have a personal saving account and a current account for my company .

  4. 收支平衡和个人储蓄账户不仅能够让自己的未来有更多的选择,同时也能保护自己安定的生活方式。

    A balanced checkbook and a savings account not only increase your future options , but also protect your cool lifestyle .

  5. 因此无论是贷款买车,还是开设个人储蓄账户,抑或是进行投资房地产抵押贷款,你都可以在一个银行办理。

    So whether it 's a loan to buy a car or Isas or a mortgage for an investment property , you can get it all under one roof .

  6. 农业补贴直接划入农民个人养老储蓄账户,提高农民的自我保障能力;

    Improving peasants ' ability of self-security by putting agriculture allowance into peasants ' individual endowment deposit accounts ;