
  • 网络PERSONAL EXPLANATION;Personal Interpretation
  1. 最要紧紧的是把你的观点向每一个人解释清楚。

    The thing is to make your views quite clear to everyone .

  2. 轮子掉下来了。有一个人解释说。

    " It came off ," some one explained .

  3. 我们如何向另一个人解释我们刚做的事?

    How would you explain to another person what we have just done ?

  4. 在一片寂静中,出现一个声音,一个人解释说,“奥巴马在这里。”

    In a hushed voice , a man explained ," Obama is here . "

  5. 如果你请一个人解释两次以上,通常这个人会放慢语速。

    If you ask a person to explain more than twice they will usually slow down .

  6. 一个人解释称:如果人们认为美联储可能即将降息,或在第二天做出什么完全出乎意料的事,那么就没人会去碰商业票据。

    Nobody is going to handle commercial paper if they think the Fed could be about to cut rates or do something else completely unexpected overnight , explains one .

  7. 对于“不在”除了个人解释,根据你是离开还是留下一方都会获得一个不同的看法。

    On top of your personal interpretations of the absence , each of you will have a different perspective depending on whether you 're the one leaving or staying .

  8. 有一个人可以解释得此我清楚。

    Someone 's here who can explain this better than I can .

  9. 我想只有一个人能解释这一切。

    I think only one person can do that .

  10. 在二百多候选人中,有一个人没有解释他的原因却被雇了,他只是简单地写着。

    Within the two hundred candidates , the one who has been hired did not explain his answer , he only simply stated that .

  11. 除了艺人必备的超凡魅力外,部份成功的原因可在他塑造的形象及个人风格解释得到。

    But as with every entertainer of such mass appeal , part of that popularity can be explained by the image and personality he projects .

  12. 来个人跟我解释一下这是怎么回事

    Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on ?

  13. 你的个人学习顾问解释学习方法。

    Your Personal Study Advisor introduces you the studying method .

  14. 所以去找个人说说,解释下你得换身新衣服的原�

    So just go talk to someone and tell them why you need a new pair of tights .

  15. 感染力的确,一个人该如何解释见到旧情人lover:情人,爱人jolt:一击,震惊;令人震惊(或失望的事)electricity:电那种电光火石的感受呢?

    How does one explain the indescribable pull to see an old lover , to feel that jolt of electricity ? -

  16. [那些陈述]写得非常贴近生活,但它们必须要展现个人,他解释道。

    [ These presentations ] are choreographed to within an inch of their lives , but they have to be personal , he explains .

  17. 唉,他想见见你,我说,心想她需要一个人给她解释,这时候他在花园里,急想知道我将给他带去什么样的回信呢。

    ` Well , he wishes to see you , ' said I , guessing her need of an interpreter . ` He 's in the garden by this time , and impatient to know what answer I shall bring . '

  18. 除了个人心态,他的解释也适用于整体公司文化,比如被指有意向公众隐瞒亏损的明富环球(MFGlobal)和奥林巴斯(Olympus)。

    His explanation is applicable to both individuals and entire corporate cultures , such as MF global ( mfglq ) and Olympus , where losses were allegedly buried from public view on purpose .

  19. 对重建个人所有制不同解释的评析

    Comment on Different Interpretations of Reconstruction of Individual Ownership

  20. 阿奎那对个人灵魂不朽的解释

    Aquinas 's Explanation of The Incorruptibility of Individual Soul

  21. 挪用公款归个人使用的司法解释与立法解释比较

    A Comparative Analysis of the Judicial and Legislative Interpretations of Misappropriating Public Funds for Personal Use

  22. 便是没有一个人能够对他解释,为甚么大师们总是对的,尽管他抱着怀疑和异议。

    none of them would tell him why , notwithstanding his misgivings and reservations , the great masters were right nonetheless .

  23. 第四章将从历史、宗教和个人经历三方面解释霍桑矛盾的清教思想的原因。

    Chapter Four will explain the causes of Hawthorne 's conflicting Puritanism in The House in the social , religious and biographic aspects .

  24. 第三章利用个人工作搜寻模型解释社会资本在就业中的作用。

    In Chapter three this thesis takes advantage of the Individual job-seeking model to explain how social capital works during the job-seeking process .

  25. 即便身体理论对个人认同感的解释是正确的,我的反应还是,那又怎样?

    So even if the body theory of personal identity is the right theory , what I want to say in response to that is , So what ?

  26. 然而,她拒绝提供任何个人信息,并解释说,她只想帮助那些需要帮助的人们,她是谁并不重要。

    However , she refused to provide any information saying that she just wants to help people in need , and it doesn 't matter who she is .

  27. 第二部分主要从历史沿革、文学气候及个人背景的角度解释邓恩的悖论情结。

    The next section , with three parts , gives a rough introduction of historical , literary and personal factors respectively for an explanation of Donne 's craze for paradox .

  28. 通过上述分析,笔者对基于知识产权战略的技术创新扩散机制的独有特点提出个人解析,并解释了技术创新扩散机制是如何通过一定渠道采取某种具体扩散方式而形成的。

    Through the above analysis , the author proposed individual opinion about characteristics of the mechanism of innovation diffusion based on intellectual property strategy , and explained how the mechanism of innovation diffusion formed by certain channels .

  29. 关于挪用公款给私有公司、私有企业使用,属于归个人使用的司法解释,既混淆了单位与个人的概念,又与其他相关司法解释精神不相一致。

    Misappropriating public funds to private companies or private enterprises belongs to individual use . These judicial explanations not only mislead the concept of unit and individual but also are not in conformity with the other related judicial explanations .