
ɡè tǐ xuǎn zé
  • individual selection
  1. 基于个体选择的小世界网络结构演化

    Structural Evolution of Small-world Networks Based on Individual Selection

  2. 政府行为在高技能人才的个体选择中未起到积极作用。

    The government does not play a positive partin individual selection of high skilled personnel .

  3. 期望效用理论作为标准的描述不确定性下的决策模型统治了经济学几十年。EU作为个体选择的标准理论和博弈论的核心组成部分,它是许多经济理论的关键组成部分。

    As the standard theory of individual decision making , and as a core component of game theory , EU constitutes a key building block of a vast range of economic theory .

  4. 在随机交配系统中,构建了包括加×加上位性的育种值,作为MAS中个体选择指标;

    In random mating system , breeding value , extending its original connotation with inclusion of additive x additive epistasis , is proposed as a measure used in selection .

  5. 为进一步提高白番鸭的生产水平,在原有选育的基础上,本研究采用家系选择和家系内个体选择相结合法,应用综合指数选择,对亲本R、F系白番鸭进行继代选育。

    The study was conducted in attempt to further improve productivity in white muscovy duck . The method of synthetic index selection was applied to continuous progeny breeding for paternal and maternal lines of parental generation in white muscovy duck .

  6. 针对CCGA的特点,文中详细论述子种群分割、代表个体选择、子个体编码方案、子个体交叉和变异的方法。

    The sub-population division , sub-individual choice , sub-individual encoding , sub-individual crossover and mutation are discussed detail in the thesis .

  7. 个体选择职业教育问题的社会学研究

    A sociological study of the individual alternatives of the vocational education

  8. 非随机替代个体选择的代理模型评价策略

    Surrogate Model-based Evaluation Strategy with Non-random Selection of Substituted Individuals

  9. 论图腾产生的必然性与图腾个体选择的或然性

    On the Inevitability of Totem Origin and the Probability of Totem Individual Choices

  10. 基于个体选择的动态权重神经网络集成方法研究

    Dynamically Weighted Ensemble Neural Networks Which Selected by Genetic Algorithm for Solving Regression Problems

  11. 其主要论点是:(1)落叶松(兴安落叶松、长白落叶松)种源间差异显著,种源遗传力较高;(2)落叶松个体选择效果明显。

    The difference between Larch provenances is significant and the provenance heritability may be improved ;

  12. 从彩电出口看我国企业在反倾销中的个体选择

    A Survey of the Anti-dumping Cases with the Individual Enterprises in the Color TV Sector

  13. 最后,文章概要地分析了个体选择行为由理性向非理性的转变情形。

    At last , the article analysed the transition about individual choice behavior from rational to irrational .

  14. 使用了实数和整数混合编码和锦标赛的个体选择方式。

    The thesis has applied the mixed of coding decimal and integer and individual options of championship .

  15. 合作还是竞争:成本决定策略的选择&消费者个体选择下双通道物流供应链设计

    Competitive Strategy or Cooperative Strategy : Due to the Costs & The Dual-Channel Supply-Chain Design under Individual Choice

  16. 在进化过程中,保持合适的个体选择压力,抑制种群多样性的快速下降,是提高遗传算法性能的关键。

    It is proved that RLLGA can well realize the parallel between population diversity and selective pressure by experiments .

  17. 这种主观的状态会影响个体选择、行为及对周围环境信息的收集。

    This subjective emotional state will affect individual choice , decoding , and the collection of information on the situation .

  18. 而简单遗传算法存在诸多不足,为此分别对个体选择、交叉和变异方面进行了改进。

    There are many shortage in the simple genetic algorithm . This paper improves on its select , crossover and mutation .

  19. 图腾产生的必然性与个体选择的偶然性都是氏族社会的社会存在所决定的。

    Totem origin has the historical inevitability and individual choice has probability , which are both decided by social existence of clan .

  20. 当前职业教育的发展是受多种因素影响的,其中社会结构和个体选择是重要的影响因素。

    Nowadays , the development of vocational Education is restrained by some element , the influential elements are the social structure and individual choices .

  21. 药物基因组学帮助我们鉴定个性化药效反应的侧面信息,为同类个体选择最佳的治疗方案。

    Pharmacogenomics allows us to identify sources of an individual 's profile of drug response and predict the best possible treatment option for this individual .

  22. 人格形成和发展是以个体选择机制为前提,以个体自我意识发展为主要内容的与外界环境的互动过程。

    The forming and development of personality is an interactive process with the outer environment in which individuals develop self-consciousness according to specific choosing mechanism .

  23. 本文运用进化博弈论研究了个体选择成为企业家的人力资本投资均衡问题以及企业家进行创新投资的决策均衡问题。

    This dissertation studied the decision-making equilibrium of the individual willing to be an entrepreneur and innovation investment of an entrepreneur in applying evolutionarily game theory .

  24. 利用监控录像以及特定行为记录的方法,研究了雄性等级对布氏田鼠气味选择和个体选择的影响。

    The results showed that there was no significant difference in odor preference and individual preference , no matter the female vole was on estrous or not .

  25. 在此基础上,针对不同的个体选择不同的特征,建立个性化的分类模型,进一步提高检测的准确率。

    On this basis , in order to further improve the detection accuracy , we choose different features for different people and setting up personalized classification model .

  26. 我与自己、我与他人、我与世界&从娱乐明星看消费时代的个体选择

    Me and Myself , Me and Others , Me and World & On Individual Choices in Consumption Age from the Perspective of " Stars for Entertainment "

  27. 公共生活是个体选择的根基,是德性生成和价值显现的必要条件,现代社会仅将德性生成看作是私人之事是有失公允的。

    Public life is the groundwork of personal choice , while it is necessary for virtue growing . It is not correct to regard virtue growing as private affairs .

  28. 家族小说叙述方式的转换,既表现了作家的创作个性和个体选择,又反映了特定的文化语境对家族小说创作的深刻影响。

    The transformation of narration mode of family novels not only represents the authors ' individuality and choice , but also reflects the profound influence of specific cultural surroundings .

  29. 然而,这个问题直接触及到一个典型的美国选择困境,一边是个体选择,另一边是公共健康和安全,两者都是好东西。

    Nonetheless the issue runs straight into the classic American tension between individual choice , which is good , and public health and safety , which is also good .

  30. 第二章运用进化博弈论的均衡分析方法研究了个体选择进行企业家人力资本投资的进化稳定均衡模型。

    In chapter two , we give an evolutionary stable equilibrium model of the individuals choose to be an entrepreneur in applying equilibrium analysis method of evolutionarily game theory .