
  1. 将中华五千年文明的优良传统带进新世纪&为中华人民共和国成立50周年而作

    Carry the Good Tradition of Chinese Civilization to the New Century

  2. 大学语文浓缩了中华五千年文化的精华,最具综合性、基础性。

    College Chinese , as quintessence of 5000 years ' Chinese culture , is most comprehensive and fundamental .

  3. 中国古代铸造技术史是中华五千年文明史的重要组成部分。

    The history of foundry technique in ancient China is an important part in the Chinese 5000 years civilization history .

  4. 让传统舞蹈的精髓得以继续地延续,人性中的真、善、美得以体会,舞出中华五千年文化的美感!

    The opportunity lies upon your decision to extend the essence and beauty of the5 thousand years chinese culture history .

  5. 阙是中华五千年文明史上保存完整而又最为悠久的地面建筑。

    " Que " is a ground building with the long history kept intact in the 500-year civilization history of China .

  6. 文言文是我们祖国语言中的精华,积淀了中华五千年文明的精髓。

    Classical Chinese is our native language essence , accumulating the essence of more than five thousand years ' Chinese civilization .

  7. 从新石器时代到中国最后的王朝,中华五千年的历史浓缩展示在这900分钟的节目里。

    From the New Stone Age to the last dynasty of China , the5000-year history is unfolded before your eyes in the900-minute programme .

  8. 我们的大学要在国际上占有一席之地,就必须建设有我们自己特色底蕴的大学文化,而这一底蕴则应来自于我们中华五千年的传统文化。

    If our university wants to take a proper place in the international stage , we need to construct our own university culture with Chinese characteristic .

  9. 传统民俗文化是中华五千年文明的历史见证和文化载体,是推动区域经济社会发展的强大精神动力。

    Traditional folk culture is the testimony of history and culture carrier of Chinese civilization , is a powerful spiritual force to promote regional economic and social development .

  10. 中华五千年的文明孕育成长的中国传统文化浩如烟海,在世界上具有突出的个性特色,作为文化载体的城市更应具有自己的性格魅力。

    China 5000 civilized breeding grows the China traditional culture vast like smoke sea , has the prominent individuality characteristic in the world , should have own as the cultural carrier city disposition charm .

  11. 它集防身、健身、修身、养性等多功能于一体,其历史源远流长,可以说武术与中华五千年文明相辅相成,有着血肉难分的渊源关系。

    It combines self-defense , fitness , self-cultivation , the raising of other functions into one , its long history , can be said that five thousand years of civilization , the Chinese martial arts and complementary , with flesh and blood relationship is difficult to distinguish the origin .

  12. 中华文明五千年,炎黄大帝是祖先。

    Five thousand years of Chinese civilization , Yanhuang Great ancestors .

  13. 古典诗词是中华民族五千年文化的精髓。

    The classical poem is the essence of the Chinese nation in five thousand year culture .

  14. 中华民族五千年的历史长河的丰富积淀,给后人留下了丰富的非物质文化遗产。

    The Chinese nation five thousand years of history of rich heritage , has left us rich intangible cultural heritage .

  15. 唐宋诗词是中华民族五千年文明的丰碑,也是世界文坛的瑰宝。

    Compared to a gem with brilliant facets , Tang-Song poetry remains unsurpassed in the history of both Chinese and world 's civilization .

  16. 中华民族五千年文明史,就是一部爱国主义教育史。

    China is a very old nation with a 5000-year-old civilization , and this history of civilization is also a history of patriotism education .

  17. 社会主义道德体系渊源于中华民族五千年文明史,又植根于有中国特色社会主义的实践。

    The socialist moral system is originated in the Chinese history of thousands of years , and rooted in practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  18. 汉字是中华民族五千年文明的承载者和记录者,是民族文化深厚积淀和浓缩。

    Character is not only the bearer and recorder of Five thousand years of Chinese cultural , but also the deeply culture accumulation and concentration .

  19. 曾经哺育了中华民族五千年的传统食品渐渐地和现代国人的生活方式有了距离,以至于国外食品大量涌入,占据了大量市场。

    Traditional food also is farther from our modern living style , so that the foreign food has swarmed into and taken up most of our market .

  20. 在中华民族五千年文化的大背景下,形成了古典园林中具有鲜明民族特色和独特文化意趣的皇家园林植物景观。

    At the background of 5000-year Chinese culture , plant landscape of royal garden with distinctive national identity and cultural meaning was shaped among the classical garden .

  21. 中华民族五千年的文明孕育了灿若繁星的民俗文化,形成了民俗文化资源产业开发的比较优势。

    The five thousand years civilization of Chinese nation has bred brilliant folk culture , which forms the comparative advantage of industry development in folk culture resources .

  22. 通过肢体,传统舞蹈表达了中华文化五千年的历史,让大家用另一个形态来了解中华文化。

    Through the body language , the5 thousand years of Chinese history is being expressed indirectly , as it 's forwarding the contribution of the understandings towards the chinese culture .

  23. 在充满历史感的运河文化中,传承中华民族五千年的文明轨迹,当代中国院落别墅的精神气质应运而生。

    In canal culture filled with history sense , Chinese nation 's five millennial civilization is inherited , and contemporary Chinese yard villa 's spirit emerge as the times require .

  24. 汉字的历史如同中华民族五千年的文化一样底蕴深厚,汉字标志又是现代标志设计中的一个新宠。

    The history of Chinese characters is as profound as that of the5000-year culture of the Chinese nation and the symbol of the Chinese characters is another novelty of the design of modern symbols .

  25. 唐宋诗词是中国传统文化宝库中的璀璨明珠,是中华民族五千年的文化丰碑。它不仅在中国文化史上具有重要的意义,也在世界文坛上占有无可比拟的地位。

    Tang-Song poetry is a brilliant gem as well as an invaluable treasure of Chinese culture . Apart from its significance in our national literature , Tang-Song poetry occupies an unparalleled position in the world literature .

  26. 古村镇有着深厚的历史内涵和文化底蕴,生动直观地体现了中华民族五千年文明的起源与发展,是构成我国古代文明不可缺少的部分。

    With profound historical meaning and cultural connotation , historical villages and towns lively reflect the origin and development of Chinese civilization of five thousand years , which is an integral part in the composition of our ancient civilization .

  27. 而且我们向留学生教授汉语的目的就是,在输出汉字的同时,也让他们了解中华民族五千年来的优秀传统文化,只有这样,才达到教授汉语的最终目标。

    In addition to the output of Chinese characters , teaching Chinese to overseas students aims at passing on the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation of five thousand years . Only then can the ultimate goal of teaching mandarin be reached .

  28. 中华文明已有五千年的历史。

    Chinese civilization has a 5,000-year long history .

  29. 因为整个中华上下五千年,真正和平的也仅仅是几十年而已。

    Because the whole Chinese on five thousand years , true peace under only decades just .

  30. 中华民族历经五千年的风雨,创造了灿烂的文化,成为世界文明中的一朵奇葩。

    After five millennium histories , Chinese nation had created the bright culture and became ancient civilization rare and beautiful flowers in the world .