
  • 网络Chinas National Peoples Congress
  1. 中国人大预算审批权与预算法治建设研究

    Power of the Budget Approval of the People 's Congress

  2. 更仔细地解读中国人大年会期间的报道,很可能会减少一些尴尬。

    A closer reading of the NPC runes may well have saved some blushes .

  3. 但是,中国人大肆购买奢侈品现象的不同寻常之处并不只是增长速度。

    But it is not just the growth rates that are extraordinary about this Chinese splurge .

  4. 通过电视和因特网这样的现代媒体了解英国的中国人大大增加。

    Many more Chinese are finding out about Britain through modern media like television and the Internet .

  5. 6月30日,中国人大代表投票通过了《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法》。

    Chinese lawmakers on June 30 voted to adopt the law on safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  6. 中国人大应通过决议,强烈要求美国军队停止屠杀伊拉克人民,强烈要求美国军队撤出伊拉克。

    Our National Congress should introduce a bill , demanding American troops to stop killing Iraqi people and to get out of Iraq territory .

  7. 中国人大多都被描述为野蛮、低贱、弑婴成性、容易犯罪并对欧洲人构成潜在威胁。

    Chinese people are described as barbaric , inferior , infanticide-oriented , and prone to commit crime and pose a threat to the Europeans potentially .

  8. 中国人大的杨立新表示,尽管作出了这个决定,继承法与实际相符仍需要数年时间才能实现。

    Yang Lixin of Renmin University in Beijing says that despitethis resolve it could still be several years before the law catches up with reality .

  9. 中国人大发言人李肇星说中国始终控制军事支出并使其与经济发展的步伐相一致。

    The NPC 's spokesman , Li Zhaoxing , said that China had always paid attention to controlling its defence spending and keeping it in line with the pace of economic development .

  10. 我想表中所统计的中国人大多是按民族来算的,所以大多数只能被归为“华裔”,尽管他们有各种国籍。

    I think most tabulations of Chinese in nations around the world are based on ethnicity , so most would be classified as " ethnic Chinese ", even though they may hold various citizenships .

  11. 中国人大常委会委员姜恩柱称,军费增长的很大一部分花在了军人增加的工资和持续高涨的油价,而花在武器方面的费用增长相对缓慢。

    Most of the increase will go to boosting salaries and to pay for higher oil prices , with moderate increased spending for armaments , said Jiang Enzhu , spokesman for the National People 's Congress .

  12. 中国人大社会学教授周孝正(音译)表示,中国家长愿意为孩子花钱这是众所周知的事,但他也提醒说,当下那些利益为先的院校大多都是二三流的学校,它们既不提供奖学金也没有补助。

    Zhou Xiaozheng , a sociology professor at Renmin University of China , said everybody knows Chinese parents are willing to spend money on their children , but he warned that those looking to benefit today are largely " second - and third-rate colleges that don 't offer scholarships or subsidies . "

  13. 中国全国人大今年3月通过的新《企业所得税法》,原本不会让任何人感到惊讶。

    China 's new Enterprise Income Tax law , passed by the National People 's Congress on March 8 , should have surprised no one .

  14. 最近在北京召开的中国全国人大会议传递出清晰的信息:保持价格稳定(而非经济增长),已成为中国的头等大事。

    The recent National Peoples ' Congress in Beijing made it clear that price stability , rather than growth , had become the top priority in China .

  15. 尽管中国的全国人大不同于西方国家的议会,但它可以成为代表们发表观点的平台,主要涉及经济和环境问题。

    Although it does not function like a fractious parliament in a western democracy , the NPC can act as a forum for delegates to publicise their views , mainly on economic and environmental issues .

  16. 去年,为了让更多的互联网行业领袖进入中国的年度人大会议,政府组织互联网行业的一群重要人物召开了一系列会议,交流对于行业监管的看法,并就谁应当参加人大会议提出建议。人大会议不久前刚刚在北京闭幕。

    Last year , in a bid to add more Internet industry leaders to China 's annual national legislature , the government assembled a group of key Internet executives in a series of meetings to trade ideas about industry regulation and make recommendations about who among them should go to the congress , which wrapped up in Beijing last week .

  17. 宗庆后连续11年以代表身份出席中国一年一度的全国人大会议。

    For 11 consecutive years he has attended the annual session of China 's parliament as a delegate .

  18. 李在中国一年一度的全国人大会议第二天举行了一次两小时的记者招待会。

    Li gave a two-hour news conference on the second day of the annual session of China 's parliament .

  19. 今年的中国议会&全国人大的立法议事议程中包括建立这样的机制。

    This year , the creation of such mechanisms was put on the legislative agenda of China 's parliament , the National People 's Congress .

  20. 1949至1954年的基层政权,是从新中国诞生到全国人大一次会议召开前的过渡性政治体制的一部分,这一时期的基层政权是如何建立和完善的?

    As one part of China 's transitional political structure in the period of 1949 to 1954 , how was the grassroot regime established and improved ?

  21. 社论提到腐败的温床,因为城市户口往往可向违法官员收买。社论呼吁中国政治协商会议和中国人大的代表们在本周于北京举行的年会上,推动废除户籍制度。

    It spoke of a hotbed of corruption , because urban registrations can often be bought from unscrupulous officials , and called on delegates to China 's political consultative committee and rubber-stamp parliament to push for its abolition at their annual meetings , due this week in Beijing .

  22. 王文良是邻近朝鲜的中国城市丹东的前政府官员,现在是中国的全国人大代表。

    This Mr. Wang is a former municipal official in Dandong , a city on China 's border with North Korea , and a member of the National People 's Congress , China 's parliamentary body .