
  • 网络history of chinese historiography
  1. 中国史学史学科的产生和发展刍议

    On Emergence and Developments of the Subject & the History of Chinese Historiography

  2. 20世纪美国对中国史学史的研究

    Studies of the History of Chinese Historiography by American Scholars in the 20th Century

  3. 关于中国史学史学科基本理论的思考

    Thinking on Basic Theory of the Subject-History of Chinese Historiography

  4. 《中国史学史》课程教学的探索与实践

    On the Teaching and Learning of Chinese History of Historiography

  5. 作为一门学科,中国史学史是在20世纪20年代产生的。

    As a modern subject , history of Chinese historiography was founded in 1920 's.

  6. 论中国史学史学科的产生

    On Emergence of History of Chinese Historiography

  7. 他们的三卷本《中国史学史》,集中反映了他们对中国史学的认识。

    Their three-volume " History of Chinese Historiography ," epitomized their understanding of Chinese historiography .

  8. 孟子的历史总结不仅反映出其丰富的历史知识,而且体现出其历史变化的观点,在中国史学史上有一定的意义。

    His historical summary showed not only his rich historical knowledge , but also his view of the historical change .

  9. 从学术思潮角度来清理1949年以后的中国史学史是有相当合理性的。

    It is fairly reasonable to sort out the history of Chinese historical studies post-1949 from academic trends of thought .

  10. 其成就反映在中国史学史、中国通史、民族史和宗教史等许多领域;他的学风和文风作为精神境界和表现形式,则深深地浸润着他的学术思想和史学成就。

    Chinese historiography , general history of China , national history and religion history etc show his achievement in the historiography .

  11. 王树民在中国史学史研究方面所做的成绩主要包括对中国史学史的相关理论问题探讨和中国史学发展史的问题的研究。

    His main achievements were made in the history of Chinese historiography theory research and development of Chinese historiography history problem research .

  12. 李大钊的新史观在20世纪前期的中国史学史中有着重要的地位。

    New interpretation of history of Li Dazhao played an important part in the history study of China in the early twentieth century .

  13. 首先是拓展了中国史学史的研究内容,其次是贯通史学古今。

    Firstly , the research expanded the extent of Chinese history study . Secondly , it had a through from ancient to modern .

  14. 他的史学既有对传统史学的继承,更有对史学的发展,在中国史学史上有着承上启下的作用。

    He inherited partly Chinese historiography tradition , but more importantly , developed a new historiography , which played somewhat the role of transition .

  15. 在整个中国史学史上,始终存在着一种如何才能真正理解中国历史的思想要求。

    Throughout the history of Chinese historical science , there has been existing an intellectual demand for the true understanding of the history of China .

  16. 20世纪前期的新史学是中国史学史上真正具有范型意义上的一次史学革新。

    The new historiography in the early period of the 20 century was a revolution of Chinese historiography in a true sense of " paradigm " .

  17. 关于史学史资料的编撰以多卷本《中国史学史资料编年》为例,从体例、内容及价值三方面来研究。

    The research of compilation of the history material is expanded from style , content and value with an example " The Annals of Chinese Historical Material " .

  18. 走向审美之境史铁生心路历程追踪从创立走向建设中国史学史学科发展的历程

    Go to the Aesthetic Realm & Tracing Shi Tie-sheng s Mind Course ; The Development of BNU 's Branch of Learning In The History of Historical Studies in China

  19. 关于理论问题的研究,以《中国史学史研究述要》中的《中国史学史绪论》一文为例,探讨了他在中国史学史理论问题方面的研究。

    The research of theory discussed his research about Chinese theory with " Introduction to Chinese historical studies " in the " The summary of Chinese historical history research " as example .

  20. 屈原具有深厚的历史思想,在中国史学史上本应占有一席之地,但是,我们当前的史学史研究却没有给予其足够的重视,对于其历史思想鲜有提及。

    Qu Yuan had a prominent historical thought , and he should have a significant position on historiography 's history . But we haven 't given him a corresponding regard in the study of historiography ' history currently .

  21. 教材、教法是教育改革的两项重要内容,中国史学史的教学也不例外。

    The article will discuss the problem of the reform in the course of Chinese history of historiography from two aspects , that is , the compilation of the proper teaching material and the reform in teaching methods .

  22. 本文包括两部分,一是归纳了中国史学史学科自20世纪90年代以来的新进展,主要表现在:对中国传统史学理论进行自觉研究,并取得切实的成绩;

    This paper includes two parts , the first part sum up the new achievements of Chinese historiography since the 1990s as follows : the theory of Chinese traditional history has been studied consciously and great progress has been made ;

  23. 就史学而言,学界就他的新史学思想渊源、史学理论的前后期、对中国史学史学科的开拓性贡献、史学方法的特点等作了大量研究,但仍有不足。

    For historiography , the academia has studied a lot about the source of new historiography , the prophase and anaphase of his historiography theory , the pioneer contribution of the subject of Chinese historiography , the historiography method , but it was still deficient .

  24. 中国建筑史学史概说

    An Outline of the History of Chinese Architectural Historiography

  25. 总之,他为新史学理论之传播、构建做出了相当之贡献,理应在中国近代史学史上占一突出席位,其历史学说在今天仍具有重要的借鉴意义和参考价值。

    He should hold a prominent position in history of modern Chinese historiography .

  26. 科学史学派是中国现代史学史上的一个重要学术派别。

    The scientific history school made an important academic role in Chinese modern historiography .

  27. 宋代欧阳修的正统论在中国史学思想史上占有重要地位。

    Ouyang Xiu 's orthodox theory is very important in the history of historical thoughts .

  28. 文章属于中国哲学史学史的探讨。

    The paper belongs to category of study in history of study in history of Chinese philosophy .

  29. 中国文学史学史的建构及其发展(上)

    The Construction and Its Development of the History of Chinese Literary History ( to be continued );

  30. 文章也提供了一些从中国哲学史学史的角度来看较为重要的史料。

    The paper also provides some important material from viewpoint of history of study in history of Chinese philosophy .