
  • 网络the danjiangkou reservoir;the dan jiang kou reservoir
  1. 著名的丹江口水库位于湖北省和河南省的交界处。

    The Danjiangkou Reservoir lies on the border between Hubei and Henan .

  2. 富营养化是丹江口水库污染治理的重点。

    In the Danjiangkou Reservoir area , eutrophication is the major pollution .

  3. 基于Morlet小波的丹江口水库入库流量周期性分析

    The Periodical Analysis of the Danjiangkou Reservoir Inflow Based on the Morlet Wavelet

  4. Wang在1979年出生在丹江口水库附近,年纪轻轻结了婚并有了两个小孩——一家人在青山绿水之中生活,并种植有许多庄稼。

    Wang was born near the Danjiangkou reservoirin 1979 , married young and had two children - the family lived between a smallstream and a leafy hillside , and grew a variety of grains .

  5. 丹江口水库某坝段系统可靠度分析

    Analysis of System Reliability for the Dam Reach of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  6. 南水北调中线工程自湖北省丹江口水库引水。

    This project transferred water from Danjiangkou reservoir in Hubei province .

  7. 丹江口水库续建工程诱发地震研究

    Study on Reservoir-induced Seismicity in the Subsequent Project of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  8. 流域管理与区域管理矛盾研究&以丹江口水库流域为例

    Mechanism Study on Catchment Management and Regional Management in Danjiangkou Reservoir

  9. 丹江口水库的饵料生物资源及水体营养状态评价心路历程&食物

    The assessment of food organism resources and trophic states of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  10. 丹江口水库水环境质量影响因素的探讨

    Discussing on the Influence Factor of Water Environment Quality of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  11. 丹江口水库泥沙淤积综合治理探讨

    Discussion on comprehensive control of sediment accumulation of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  12. 丹江口水库区构造应力场的数值模拟

    Numerical stimulation of tectonic stress field at Danjiangkou Reservoir Area

  13. 丹江口水库鱼类寄生粘孢子虫四新种

    Four new species of myxosporidia from the freshwater fishes in Danjiangkou Reservoir

  14. 汉江丹江口水库下游河床下伏卵石层对河床调整的影响

    Effects of Underlying Gravel Layers on Channel Adjustment Downstream From Danjiangkou Reservoir

  15. 加强丹江口水库区地震灾害的应急措施

    Enhancing emergency countermeasures to earthquake hazard in Danjiangkou Reservoir area

  16. 电子计算机在丹江口水库洪水预报中的应用

    The application of computer in flood forecasting of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  17. 丹江口水库汛限水位分期控制初步探讨

    Study on Stage Flood Control Water Level of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  18. 湖北丹江口水库旧石器调查简报

    Surveys of Palaeolithic Localities at the Danjiangkou Reservoir , Hubei

  19. 丹江口水库的地震问题

    Some problems concerning the earthquakes in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Area

  20. 南水北调中线引丹江口水库弃水可调水量分析

    Analysis on transferable surplus water volume from Danjiangkou reservoir for S-N Water Transfer

  21. 丹江口水库凶猛鱼集团生长特性组型的聚类分析

    Analysis of clustering on growth of predatory fish guild in the Danjiangkou Reservoir

  22. 丹江口水库水质面临安全挑战

    The Water Quality Safety of Danjiangkou Reservoir Faces Challenges

  23. 丹江口水库垂向水温模型研究

    Research on vertical water temperature model of Danjiangkou reservoir

  24. 丹江口水库诱发地震的能量计算

    Energy Calculation of Water Induced Earthquake at Danjiangkou Reservoir

  25. 丹江口水库调度系统设计和开发

    Design of Flood Control Operation System of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  26. 淅川的丹江口水库是南水北调中线工程的源头。

    Xichuan the Danjiangkou Reservoir is the source of North Water Transfer Project .

  27. 丹江口水库淹没区乡土建筑研究

    A Study on Vernacular Architecture in Danjiangkou Reservoir Zone

  28. 汉江丹江口水库为中线工程水源地。

    Danjiangkou Reservoir is the water resource area of the Middle Route Project .

  29. 丹江口水库下游河道演变及其对航道的影响

    Fluvial Process Downstream of Danjiangkou Reservoir and its Effect on the Navigation Channel

  30. 丹江口水库湿地生态系统服务功能研究

    On the service function of Danjiangkou reservoir wetland ecosystem