
  • 网络The road;The King's Road;wow
  1. 普遍认为这次选举是迈上民主之路的历史性一步。

    By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy .

  2. 伦敦金融城经济学家安德鲁•史密瑟斯(AndrewSmithers)在《走向复苏之路》(TheRoadtoRecovery)一书中提出,这场衰退不是周期性的,而是结构性的,其诱因是奖金和激励机制导致的投资资源配置不当。

    And in The Road to Recovery , City economist Andrew Smithers , hardly a rabid lefty , argues that the recession is not cyclical but structural , and it is caused by the misallocation of investment resources brought about by bonuses and incentives .

  3. 良好的教育是通往成功之路。

    A good education is the gateway to success .

  4. 她为自己开辟了一条新的谋生之路。

    She 's built a new career for herself .

  5. 球迷都在指望新球员打出胜利之路。

    The fans are looking to the new players to point the way to victory .

  6. 餐馆必须在保证质量和价格低廉之间走出一条困难的折中之路。

    A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quality and keeping prices down .

  7. 她希望她在美国的首次演出将是她走上名利双收之路的第一步。

    She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune .

  8. 当了4年的模特之后她踏上了演艺之路。

    She pursued an acting career after four years of modelling .

  9. 那儿离朝圣之路与通往坎佩尔的道路的交叉路口很近。

    It is near where the pilgrimage route crosses the road to Quimper .

  10. 他希望他能够像其他孩子一样,而不是走一条早已注定的孤独之路。

    He wished that he could be like other children instead of pursuing his lonely predestined path .

  11. 他许诺在100天内让国家走上经济复兴之路。

    He promised that within 100 days he would put the country on the path to economic recovery .

  12. 他们无法找到一条逃生之路。

    They could not find a way to get themselves out .

  13. 一切都已断念,他终于走上自杀之路。

    In utter despair he committed suicide .

  14. 这是通往成功之路。

    It 's a highway to success .

  15. 我们终于使约翰认识到成功之路无捷径可走。

    We have at last awaken John to the fact there 's no easy way to success .

  16. 我们要以更宽的视野、更高的境界、更大的气魄,广开进贤之路,把各方面优秀干部及时发现出来、合理使用起来。

    We should open up , with greater vision , determination and courage , channels for recruiting talented personnel , quickly identify outstanding cadres in all fields and put them to good use .

  17. 在《为派对买单》中,汉密尔顿描述了她所说的"派对之路",即学生们学着轻松的专业,参加举办派对的俱乐部,轻松地读完大学。

    In Paying for the Party , Hamilton describes what she calls the " party pathway , " which eases many students through college , helped along by various clubs that send students into the party scene and a host of easier majors .

  18. 中国酒泉甚至有丝绸之路博物馆。

    There is even silk route museum in Jiuquan in China .

  19. 人们说这些人是沿着丝绸之路旅行的。

    People say that these people travelled along the Silk Road .

  20. 商人们沿着丝绸之路旅行,当然是为了运送丝绸。

    Merchants travelled along the Silk Road to carry silk , of course .

  21. 丝绸之路令珍贵物件和新思想得以被共享。

    The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable things and new ideas .

  22. 他们计划沿着丝绸之路旅行。

    They plan to travel along the Silk Road .

  23. 现在,一条新火车线路已开通,从北京出发,穿越丝绸之路。

    Now a new train line runs from Beijing across the Silk Road .

  24. 丝绸之路全长近6500公里。

    The Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers .

  25. 科学家认为,人们大约在3000年前就开始沿丝绸之路旅行。

    Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago .

  26. 所有这些民族都走过了丝绸之路。

    All these peoples travelled the Silk Road .

  27. 为这次丝绸之路旅行,我们已经筹划10年了。

    We have managed the trip of the Silk Road for around 10 years .

  28. 它有丝绸之路沿线的35000多件物品。

    It has over 35 , 000 objects from all along the Silk Road .

  29. 乐观积极地找寻属于自己的成功之路。

    And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success .

  30. 汤姆,相信自己是通往成功之路的第一步。

    Tom , believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success .