- Uganda

Uganda 's beautiful highlands are host to a wide range of wildlife .
It was with some trepidation that I viewed the prospect of cycling across Uganda .
The soldiers were engaged in a military operation close to the Ugandan border .
In one district in Uganda , introduction of ART led to a27-fold increase in demand for HIV testing and counseling .
Hitherto , this has usually been done at the request of the state itself , as in Uganda , the Central African Republic ( car ) and Congo .
Mr. Stark recently described the effects of climate change on pastoralists in Uganda .
Uganda 's MSI loan uses a different approach .
The US focus on governance is " inconsistent and shifts with its interests , " said Daniel Kalinaki , managing editor of Uganda 's Daily Monitor newspaper .
The company is also awaiting final Ugandan government approvals for its deal with total to buy stakes in offshore oil fields from Tullow oil .
Uganda is often heralded as a success story for ABC , and is cited by abstinence advocates as proof that their approach works .
There are nevertheless worries in some quarters that , as in northern Uganda , the ICC is again putting justice before peace .
In the case of Uganda 's MSI initiative , the problem is ( unusually ) not money , but a lack of political will .
Unique too , is the ruling Rwandan patriotic front , which grew out of the rebel movement he led to power from exile in neighbouring Uganda .
The group al-Shabab says it organized the attacks because Uganda supplies troops to support the temporary government in Somalia .
An example of poverty breeding mistrust comes from Colin Turnbull 's ethnographic study The Mountain People ( 1972 ) , about the Ik , a displaced tribe ravaged by Ugandan drought in the 1960s .
It is true that the country saw HIV prevalence drop in the1990s , when President Yoweri Museveni 's government aggressively pursued ABC .
JAMES GODSIL : " I was asked to go to Venezuela this March . And I 'm working with people who have a project in Ecuador . I 'm working with people in the Congo and Uganda and Tanzania . "
I heard about a Ugandan nun who was working with orphans and had been doing so since Idi Amin was in power .
Now it has supposedly prompted the African Union to hunt for the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony , after an anti-kony propaganda film spread through social media and was watched more than 100 million times .
The Transitional Federal Government , which is headed by former Islamist rebel Sheikh Sharif Ahmed , is by an African Union peacekeeping force Ugandan and Burundian soldiers .
Hefley started working at the orphanage , and in1994 devised the first Children of Uganda tour .
The cassava mosaic disease before the epidemic was caused by isolates of ACMV .
The strain , the rate of spread and even the scope of infection in Uganda or East Africa are still unknown , Asea said .
Kulayigye repeated an earlier pledge by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to provide the remaining troops if supported by the international community .
But it was her contact with a United States congressman , Tony Hall from Ohio , and his wife that inspired her to go to Uganda in1993 , as a guest of the First Lady Janet Museveni .
In 2006 , the WCS studied the expectations and spending of visitors to Uganda . It found that each lion was worth $ 13,500 a year to the economy .
In Uganda 's Bidi Bidi camp , less than 2 percent of 200000 refugees have received a single shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine .
Jonathan Gosier , a software developer living in Kampala , Uganda , describes blogging from a developing country as " a lesson in patience , endurance and ingenuity " .
In2005 , the Ugandan government health budget of US $ 112 million was overshadowed by US $ 167 million spent by three GHAs .
This approach has won support both inside and outside Uganda 's research community ( and , at least initially , even from President Museveni himself ) .