
  1. 只有从这五观去综合分析和理解现代和谐观,才能在新的高度全面而准确地把握其实质和内涵。

    Only the comprehensive analysis and understanding of the modern concept of harmony from this " five outlook " can grasp comprehensively and accurately the essence and content on the high .

  2. 方法应用二维及多普勒超声心动图,经右锁骨上窝及心尖五腔切面观对21例SVCS患者及20例健康志愿者行上腔静脉及相关部位的超声检测。

    Methods Twenty-one patients with SVCS and 20 healthy volunteers were studied by echocardiography from the right supraclavicular view and the apical 5-chamber plane .

  3. 五是价值观的类别差异性突出。

    Fifth , the difference of categories .

  4. 论文的第二部分列举了现行教育中的五种兴趣观偏差并分析其产生的原因。

    The second part of the article lists five wrong views on interest in current education and analyzes their causes .

  5. 你的五大价值观是什么?你如何在当前的职位中追求它们?

    What are your top five values and how do you honor them in the demands of your current position ?

  6. 一旦你清晰地定义出自己最重要的五大价值观,并记录到纸面上。那么就绝不会离开你。

    Once you 've defined your top values clearly and commit them to paper , they almost never leave you .

  7. 社会价值观包含社会经济、爱国主义、社会安定三个价值观取向,个体价值观包含教育、人际关系、休闲娱乐、心理健康和健身五个价值观取向。

    The society trait included society economy , patriotism , society stabilization . The individual trait included education , communication , amusement , mental health , body-building .

  8. 四时五味养生观(简称时味养生观)是中医养生学四时饮食领域里的一种常见理论。

    The four seasons-five flavors theory ( referred to as " the season flavor theory ") is a common one in the area of TCM season diet regimen .

  9. 对139人进行了《价值观教育内容、方法分类问卷》的施测,通过多元尺度分析的方法,得到了七类价值观教育内容,五类价值观教育方法。

    We use Multidimensional Scaling Analysis surveyed 139 subjects by " Contents and Methods of Values Education Classify Questionnaire ", acquired seven type of values education contents and five types of methods .

  10. 以整体观、阴阳平衡观、五行联系观为主要指导理念,结合五种文化表达方式,分别从五种应用路径详细阐述中医药文化在景观设计中的表达。

    In the view of the whole , relation theory as the guide , combining four kinds of cultural expression , respectively from the five ways of application in detail expression of TCM culture in the landscape design .

  11. 顶一鞘表观输出速率与糙米率、精米率呈显著正相关,与不完善率呈极显著负相关;顶五鞘表观输出速率与垩白粒率呈显著正相关。

    Significant positive correlation between apparent transfer rate of the upper first sheath , brown rice percentage and milled rice percentage , highly negative correlation between the apparent transfer rate of the upper fifth sheath and chalky percentage .

  12. 调查研究发现,影视文化对于这五种价值观都具有双重影响,既有积极影响、又有消极影响,如果不积极采取措施,这种消极影响将呈蔓延夸大趋势。

    The study finds out that the screen culture has dual influence on their five values . That is to say , it not only exerts positive effects , but negative influences as well which tend to expand unless active measures are adopted .

  13. 第三部分追根溯源,从五方面探讨变形观的形成背景。

    The third discusses the background of forming the view of metamorphosis , which is the most important part .

  14. 关于产业安全的内涵,笔者综述了学者的研究,总结出五种产业安全观。

    As for connotation of industrial safety , the writer reviews the scholars ' researches , sums up five kinds of industry security concept .

  15. 我国教育理论目前所流行的五种教育发展观,都不同程度地存在着对其他学科概念、观点的简单移植及教育发展单向论、欧州中心主义的倾向。

    Five current ideas of educational development in our educational theory , which transplant the concepts and ideas of other disciplines , are unidirectional and Europe-centered .

  16. 同时,应用这五个核心价值观对中国高中生现代性水平的测量表明:学生的家庭背景因素对其现代性水平具有显著的影响,而且父辈的影响要高于祖辈的影响;

    Meanwhile , the measurement shows that students ′ family backgrounds execute a remarkable effect on their modernity and fathers ′ influences are greater than that of forefathers .

  17. 首先,对六朝到唐、五代的绘画观的历史流变做了简单梳理,以期把握苏轼文人画观形成的思想渊源。

    First , the Six Dynasties to Tang , the Five Dynasties painting Historical Evolution of the concept of a brief order , with a view to grasp the concept of painting Sushi ideological formation of the historical origins .