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wǔ bà
  • the Five Powers/Hegemons of late Zhou;five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period
  • the five princes
五霸 [wǔ bà]
  • [the five princes] 其说法不一,一般指春秋时的齐桓公、晋文公、宋襄公、秦穆公、楚庄王。他们在诸侯中势力强大,称霸一时

  • 此五霸之伐也。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  1. ①齐桓公:齐国国王,春秋五霸之一。

    Qihuangong : the king of Qi State , one of " Five Hegemonies of Spring and Autumn Period " .

  2. 这一时期,王室衰微,周天子没有力量继续维持统治秩序,各诸侯国以力相争,政出方伯,五霸迭兴,社会进入分裂动乱状态,这就给周边少数民族以发展的机会。

    The king of Zhou had not power to keep order , the society came into the split and disorder period .