
  • 网络Asia Pacific International;GGAP
  1. 压入法纳米硬度测量与亚太国际比对

    Nano Hardness Measurement by Static Indentation and Asia-Pacific Interlaboratory Comparison

  2. 太阳岛是有名的游览地。亚太国际贸易博览会

    The Sun Island is a well-known summer resorts . Asia-Pacific International Trade Fair

  3. 亚太国际酒店用品批发市场商业计划书

    Business Plan of the Asia-Pacific International Hotel Supplies Market

  4. 中国的和平崛起对亚太国际关系的影响

    The impact of Chinese peaceful rise on international relations in Asia and Pacific rigions

  5. 94年获得第五届亚太国际贸易博览会“受消费者欢迎的最佳产品奖”。

    We gained the honor of the best products of the Fifth International Trading Fair in1994 .

  6. 目前,美国是亚太国际格局中对南中国海争端影响最大的因素。

    This determines that the Asia-Pacific international configuration and the dispute of South China Sea must be mutually influenced .

  7. 医学教育未来发展重要趋势&2007亚太国际医学教育之重要信息(上)

    Important Trends in the Development of Medical Education : Important Messages from the 2007 4th Asian Pacific Medical Education Conference ( Part I );

  8. 上海亚太国际蔬菜有限公司在山西、上海,浙江、福建和云南五省成立了分公司及生产,包装和加工基地。

    SAPIV has established five operation branches with packing and processing bases in the Chinese provinces of Shanxi , Shamghai , Zhejiang , Fujian and Yunnan .

  9. 除此之外,协会将继续与第十一届亚太国际塑料橡胶工业展览会;

    Moreover ," 11th Asia-pacific International Plastics & Rubber Industry Exhibition " will held the same time and venue with " 4th China International Fluorine-Silicon Industrial fair " .

  10. 第十九届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会与第八届亚太国际橡塑工业展览会特别报道(2)

    Report on the 19 ~ ( th ) International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries and the 8 ~ ( th ) Asia and Pacific Plastics and Rubber Expo ( 2 )

  11. 澳大利亚与中国建交,对争取全面改善发展与亚洲关系、调整亚太国际关系格局产生了重要和积极影响。

    The establishment of foreign relations between Australia and China has made an important and active effect on Australia 's efforts to totally improve and develop its relation with Asia to adjust the statu que of relations between Asian Pacific countries .

  12. 通过对陈峰君主编的《冷战后亚太国际关系》一书,特别是有关章节的阅读,研究亚太地区多边经济合作的必然性,并试图提出自己的观点。

    Reading the book edited by CHEN Feng-jun " International Relations of Asian and Pacific after Cold War ", especially the related chapter , the inevitability of multilateral economic cooperation in Asian and Pacific area has been researched , and my viewpoint has been proposed .

  13. 汇丰控股亚太区国际银行及市场部门负责人菲利浦斯(RobinPhillips)说,企业融资正在发生从过度依赖贷款到利用资本市场的结构性转变。

    ' There 's a structural shift away from overreliance on loans to capital markets , ' said Robin Phillips , head of global banking and markets for Asia-Pacific at HSBC .

  14. 1983年,联合国开发计划署(UNDP)和国际海事组织(IMO)在学校设立了亚太地区国际海事培训中心;1985年设立世界海事大学大连分校;

    Later in 1983 , the Asia-Pacific Region Maritime Training Center was established at DMU by the United Nations Development Program ( UNDP ) and the IMO , and in 1985 , a branch of the World Maritime University ( WMU ) was established .

  15. 而到访这167个目的地的国际游客占亚太地区国际游客总人数的90.1%。

    These 167 destinations represent 90.1 percent of all international overnight arrivals within the region .

  16. 二十世纪美国与亚太地区国际学术讨论会综述

    International Conference on " the United States and the Asia-Pacific region in the 20th century ": a summary

  17. 航空物流中心是确立浦东机场成为亚太地区国际航空物流枢纽的重要基础,从目前来看,航空物流中心的建设主要有两种方案。

    Airport logistics center is the key base for PuDong Airport that will be Asia-Pacific International aviation logistics hinge .

  18. 随着全球和亚太地区国际关系的变化,东盟国家与中国关系的发展经历了三个阶段。

    With the changes of international relationship around the globe and in the Asia - Pacific region , their development has undergone three phases .

  19. 同时其对亚太地区国际关系如中美日关系、澳大利亚与东盟关系也有很大影响。

    At the same time , it greatly influenced Asian and Pacific international relations among China , America and Japanese and relations between Australia and ASEAN .

  20. 回应建筑巨型化时代的挑战&第六届亚太建筑国际学术研讨会述评

    Responding to the Challenges in the Era of Mega Phenomena from Architecture to City : An Outline of the 6th International Symposium on Asia Pacific Architecture

  21. 舟山港具有作为国内及亚太地区国际航运枢纽港必需的辐射扇形地理条件。

    ZHOUSHAN harbor has radiate sector geographical conditions , which is indispensable to be an international ship hinge harbor in our country , intemation and Asia and Pacific .

  22. 中日关系是我国对外关系中的重要方面,也是亚太地区国际关系中的重要双边关系之一。

    The China-Japan relationship is very important in Chinese foreign relations . And it is also one of the best important relations of the international relations in Asia-Pacific region .

  23. 东南亚金融危机对亚太地区国际关系的影响冷战后东南亚与南亚两种地缘政治格局之比较分析

    The Financial Crisis in Southeast Asia and Its Impact on Regional Relations Analysis and Comparison between Two Kinds of Structure of Balance of Power in Southeast Asia and South Asia

  24. 首先,我想向我们的东道主,韩国教育部,为他们积极筹办本届亚太经合国际圆桌会议表示衷心的感谢和敬意。

    First of all , I would like to express my appreciation and admiration to our hosts , the Ministry of Education of Korea for their initiative in organizing this APEC International Roundtable .

  25. 日美同盟关系的维持与发展是战后亚太地区国际关系、尤其是美国亚太地区安全战略的基本组成部分,也是战后日本安全防卫的根本保证。

    The maintenance and development of Japan-US alliance is a basic component of international relations in the Asian Pacific Region , a significant part of American security strategy in this region and a fundamental guarantee for Japan 's security and defense .

  26. 本文通过对香港、新加坡服务贸易发展的研究,总结两地依托原有服务业优势、以发展贸易相关服务为主要抓手、并逐步形成亚太重要国际采购中心地位的服务贸易发展模式。

    The paper mainly discusses the developmental model of TIS in Hong Kong and Singapore then summaries their paths to form major international purchase center in Asia and Pacific Region through taking advantage of the traditional service and grasping the opportunity to accelerate the trade-related service industry .

  27. 本文论述了亚太地区国际政治经济关系发展的趋势,分析了亚太地区跨国经济合作的历史进程,阐明了东北亚经济地域结构的基本特点与区域经济合作的变化态势。

    The Paper argued the tendency of international economic and political relations in Asian - Pacific region , analysed the course of Regional economic cooperation in Asian-Pacific , and expounded the essential features of economic geographical structure and change situation of economic cooperation in Northeast Asian region .

  28. 第七届亚太区爱滋病国际会议七月在日本神户举行。

    The7th International Congress in Asia and the Pacific was held in July in Kobe , Japan .

  29. 愿我们携手共同创造亚太集团在国际制冷市场辉煌的明天。

    Hope we work together to bring a brilliant future to Yatai Group in the international refrigeration markets .

  30. 这4个亚洲东北部的旅游市场2016年预计将贡献亚太地区所有国际入境过夜旅客总数的38.4%。

    The four Northeast Asian markets are expected to contribute 38.4 percent of total international overnight arrivals in the region in 2016 .