
  • 网络amazons;Amazone;Amazonian
  1. 我听说你们亚马逊人擅长在一段距离之外打倒敌人。

    I 've heard that you Amazons excel at killing from a distance .

  2. 贝索斯给全体“亚马逊人”写这封邮件之前,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)将该集团描述为一个员工时常哭泣、同事间彼此竞相批评、员工面临的严重健康问题及家庭问题被忽视的工作场所。

    He wrote to all " Amazonians " after the New York Times described the group as a place where employees regularly weep , colleagues compete to criticise each other and serious health and family issues are ignored .

  3. 也许它会把我们帝到亚马逊人的藏身之所。

    Maybe it could lead us to the Amazon mans trail .

  4. 他认为那些线索可以帝我们到亚马逊人部落去。

    He thought it may lead us to the Amazon mans tribe .

  5. 我们将发现亚马逊人的生命秘密的钥匙。

    Are the key to the Amazon mans secret .

  6. 亚马逊人喜欢蒲桃叶,用它来给炖肉和汤调味。

    The Amazonians love jambo leaves , which they use to flavour stews and soups .

  7. 我们在这发现过亚马逊人。

    Where we found the Amazon man .

  8. 谢尔顿:不用担心,神奇女侠是亚马逊人,亚马逊的女孩子都很高大健壮。

    Sheldon : Don 't worry . Wonder Woman was an . And Amazons tend to be very

  9. 那些不喜欢亚马逊的人知道这一点也许会觉得好笑:如果历史不发生转折,赫布里希如今很可能正在为史塔西(Stasi,前东德情报和秘密警察机构——译者注)工作。

    Those who disapprove of Amazon may be amused to know that , but for a twist of history , Mr Herbrich would likely now be working for the Stasi .

  10. 亚马逊当地人经常用食人鱼的牙齿来做工具和武器。

    Locals in the Amazon region often use piranha teeth to make tools and weapons .

  11. 通过推出3D打印产品,亚马逊让更多人看到了这项技术的广阔用途。

    By introducing 3D printing , Amazon is letting more people see what the technology can do .

  12. 与此同时,替亚马逊辩护的人,常常会离题万里地赞颂在线卖书(这对许多美国人来说的确是好事),或者称赞亚马逊的客户服务——如果你好奇的话,我可以回答你,我的确有亚马逊的Prime账户,而且经常用。

    Meanwhile , Amazon 's defenders often digress into paeans to online bookselling , which has indeed been a good thing for many Americans , or testimonials to Amazon customer service - and in case you 're wondering , yes , I have Amazon Prime and use it a lot .

  13. 例如,今年早些时候,在南部阿拉巴马州的在线销售商亚马逊工作的人试图组建工会。

    For example , people who work for online seller Amazon in the southern state of Alabama tried to form a labor union earlier this year .

  14. 无论是否在亚马逊购物,任何人都能评价在亚马逊网上商店出售的商品。但是亚马逊网站规定禁止商业购买或虚构的评论。

    Anyone , whether they are a customer or not , has the ability to review products sold on Amazon 's online store , but the rules of the site forbid paid-for or fictional reviews .

  15. 这其中包括数名管理和获取内容的资深高管,一名扩展其新兴业务“亚马逊借贷”计划的负责人和一名亚马逊天猫店负责人。

    They include senior executives to manage and acquire content , a leader to expand its fledgling Amazon Lending program and a head for its storefront on Tmall .

  16. 在宣称该文“所描述的并非我了解的亚马逊,亦非每天与我一起工作的有爱心的亚马逊人”的同时,他还敦促员工如果知道此类做法,就可以提出来,并直接与他联系。

    While declaring the article " doesn 't describe the Amazon I know or the caring Amazonians I work with , " he also urges workers to come forward and contact him directly if they are aware of such practices .

  17. 邮件中,贝索斯鼓励员工去阅读这篇于上周末发表的文章,但是他称:“它所描述的并非我了解的亚马逊,亦非每天与我一起工作的有爱心的亚马逊人”。

    In the email , Mr Bezos encouraged employees to read the article , published over the weekend , but said : " It doesn 't describe the Amazon I know or the caring Amazonians I work with every day . "